Displaying items by tag: college of arts and sciences

Patients with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome will soon be able to enroll in the clinical trial of a PET agent that can capture evidence of brain infiltration by white blood cells and could eventually guide treatment.
This summer, more faculty than ever took part in the Red Mountain Project, a UAB Sustainability initiative demonstrating how to incorporate the topic into new or existing courses. Students want to know more about sustainability, participants say, and their cohort offered “a base of people to connect with and brainstorm ideas.”
Published in Sustainability

Seven questions for Michael Sloane, Ph.D., on his seven-year quest to race on every continent.

Published in Achievements

Morgan Peach, graduate assistant in UAB Student Housing and Residence Life, created a series of short training videos entirely in Spanish to familiarize cleaning crews contracted for the World Games with UAB’s processes and protocols — ensuring UAB puts its best foot forward while on the world stage.

Published in Behind the Scenes

Earlier this year, UAB was recognized as one of just 13 institutions ranked as national leaders in racial and gender diversity in leadership. We asked 12 women senior leaders to answer one question: What advice would you give a young woman who aspires to a career like the one you've achieved? Read their answers.

Published in Leadership

Alumna Shreya Malhotra was named among the fifth cohort of Stanford University’s Knight-Hennessy Scholars, the largest fully endowed graduate fellowship in the world; Malhotra graduated in 2020 with a bachelor’s in neuroscience and a master's in public health as part of the Science and Technology Honors Program.

Published in Achievements
PEER-BUDS will counter COVID disruptions and school inequity by prepping 24 new biology majors with skills crucial to success in the lab and classroom. Another perk of the program, which runs Aug. 1-19: a $1,500 stipend.
Published in Programs & Curricula
After undergraduates in introductory biology courses talked with an epidemiologist and a physician specializing in infectious diseases, 60% who initially said they would not get vaccinated had changed their minds.
Published in Research Findings
Plant-based diets, biased language in the courts and the trouble with night lights: Recipients of 2022 Faculty Development Grant Program awards explain how they will use their funds.
Published in Grants Awarded

The UA System Board of Trustees awarded the rank of Distinguished Professor to Khurram Bashir, Aurelio Galli, Eugenia Kharlampieva, Bruce R. Korf and Jan Novak and the rank of University Professor to W. Timothy Garvey, Linda D. Moneyham and Jeffery T. Walker during its April 8 meeting.

Published in Awards & Honors

A civil rights field experience, safer MRI scans, investigating college stress and implementing a massive genetic test for cancer: Recipients of 2022 Faculty Development Grant Program awards explain how they will use their funds.

Published in Grants Awarded

Enrollment is up more than 300 percent in the Department of Computer Science. Students and alumni of the B.A. and B.S. programs in computer science explain what attracted them to the field and to UAB.

Published in Programs & Curricula

The UAB Faculty Development Grant Program supports junior faculty with funding to pursue research, creative works and scholarly activity.

Published in Grants Awarded

Writing a book isn’t easy, but faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences produced more than a dozen in 2021. Thirteen faculty from eight departments wrote books on rhetoric and the Dead Sea Scrolls, pandemic bioethics, medical epigenetics, world politics and more.

Published in Publications

Vithal K. Ghanta, Joseph G. Van Matre and Richard J. Whitley all have worked at UAB for five decades. Hear their short and sweet most favorite memories from their times as Blazers.

Published in Awards & Honors

Four individuals and one student organization were honored with the 2022 President’s Diversity Champion Award during a ceremony at the Alumni House March 3.

Published in Awards & Honors
With a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation and innovative genetic techniques, UAB algal expert Stacy Krueger-Hadfield, Ph.D., is uncovering clues to the success of a coastal ecosystem engineer.
Published in Achievements
With a prestigious NSF CAREER grant, physicist Cheng-Chien Chen, Ph.D., is working on a problem that could lead to a new generation of electronics — and giving UAB students a front-row seat to the action.
Published in Achievements
Humanities and social sciences unite to build an app that brings to life the struggles faced by former offenders in order to make the case for change. The project was made possible by funding from the College of Arts and Sciences’ Interdisciplinary Team Proposal program.
Published in Teaching & Learning
A “flipped” approach to therapy using video games and short, motivational telehealth visits could spread the benefits of stroke rehabilitation far more widely.
Published in Research Findings
Researchers explore how to help budding scientists fall in love with a field that is incredibly important but can be “very overwhelming” to start.
Published in Research Findings

Funding allows students to skip summer jobs and take on projects ranging from the Amazon union vote and plastic pollutants to the health effects of housing and teen sleep habits.

Published in Programs & Curricula
More than 100 different UAB researchers have been first authors on papers based on the REGARDS study thanks to its innovative design — and a uniquely “friendly and welcoming team.”

Laura Calvert, a senior majoring in biomedical sciences, found that embroidering illustrations of plant structures, the glycolysis process and the human digestive system helped her to better grasp the subject matter — all while creating art along the way.

Published in Teaching & Learning

Jake Chen, Ph.D., associate director of the Informatics Institute, is the first ACM member in Alabama to be honored as a Distinguished Member in this category.

Published in Achievements
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