Matt Windsor
| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Co-enrolled biomedical engineering courses for med students expand
New courses in Precision Medicine and Entrepreneurship in Medicine from leading BME faculty will debut in spring 2022 semester.
Using AI to translate old code and fix aging computer systems
Building the right credentials for today's hybrid workforce
As simulation efforts expand at UAB, a new structure focuses on growth
Study provides ‘critical information’ for treating childhood cancer patients with COVID
The largest registry of U.S. children with cancer who were diagnosed with COVID-19 found an increased risk of having severe infection and having their cancer therapy modified because of COVID, underscoring the urgency of vaccinations for these children, the authors say.
Testing a promising treatment for functional seizures in children
Any member of the UAB community can set up a free account and explore a more data-driven approach to strategic planning for research. Engineering Dean Jeffrey Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., explains how his school used Dimensions to assist in new faculty hiring.