Five faculty were honored for exceptional achievement and contributions by The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees during its meeting June 4.

Chow, the recipient of numerous National Institutes of Health (NIH) and industry grants, has published approximately 210 peer-reviewed articles, served as a reviewer for more than 20 journals and is the associate editor of Molecular Carcinogenesis. She also is the program advisor for the Johns Hopkins University/UAB Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE) in Cervical Cancer. Chow has received recognitions from many organizations around the globe and has been invited to present more than 46 times on her scientific research.

Howard has received numerous awards, including the 2011 UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, the 2013 Science Unbound Best Paper Award and the 2015 Ernest Everett Just Award in Medical and Public Health Research on African American Health and Quality of Life.

She has acquired more than $15 million in extramural research grants, has served as a co-principal investigator or investigator on the REGARDS study with George Howard, DrPH, and received a number of UAB and national awards, including the 2018 Highly Cited Researcher Award by Web of Science, the 2015 National Forum Commitment Award by the National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and the 2017 Graduate Dean’s Excellence in Mentoring Award.

Berner, who was the first School of Health Professions faculty member to have an online course certified by nationally recognized Quality Matters, is the editor of the book “Informatics Education in Healthcare: Lessons Learned,” now in its second edition, and “Clinical Decision Support Systems: Theory and Practice,” now in its third edition. She has served on advisory committees and study sections for both the NIH and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and is a member of the editorial boards of the JAMIA and the Journal of Healthcare Information Management. Howard also is the recipient of the 2008 Harriet Werley Award from the American Medical Informatics Association, the 2015 School of Health Professions Excellence in Scholarship Award and the 2019 Joseph F. Volker Award, the highest honor given by the school for demonstrated excellence and dedication to teaching.

Borkowski, who also holds a visiting professor appointment in the School of Health Services and Management at Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China, has been published in the Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, Health Care Management Review, Journal of Health and Human Services Administration and International Journal of Public Administration. She was named a Quality Matters Certified Peer Reviewer in 2015 and a Certified Master Reviewer in 2016 and is a past recipient of the American College of Healthcare Executives’ Excellence in Teaching Award, given to faculty who further academic excellence and professional development of health management students, and the 2012 Exemplary Service Award from the American College of Health Care Executives, the 2013 Jessie Trice Hero Award, the 2016 School of Health Professions Excellence in Service Award and the 2017 Frederick T. Muncie Gold Award from the Healthcare Financial Management Association. Borkowski also has held leadership roles in the Academic of Management’s Health Care Management Division, the American College of Healthcare Executive’s Southern Florida Regent’s Advisory Council, the South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, the Alabama Healthcare Executive Forum and others.