Displaying items by tag: department of biology

The plight of the Antarctic-based Adelie penguin reveals much about the future of our planet, according to UAB University Professor Jim McClintock, Ph.D. The story of the seabird’s struggle to adjust to the warming climate is captured in “Ghost Rookeries,” a four-minute film produced by the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation and narrated by actor Harrison Ford, who is on the foundation's board of advisers. The journey comes alive through the prose from McClintock’s book, “Lost Antarctica: Climate Change on the Antarctic Peninsula.”
Published in Outreach
CengageBrain's Top TA competition allowed college students to recognize the TAs who made the greatest impacts on their educations.
Published in Staff Appointments

The latest green roof project is one of the first developments by UAB’s Sustainability Committee to come to fruition.

Published in Get Involved

More than 150 area middle-school girls will come to campus April 21 for the second Girls in Science & Engineering Day.

Published in Outreach

All species of plants are subject to disease — a fact that can be devastating to an economy, wildlife and humans.

Published in Research & Scholarship

UAB is opening a new, state-of-the-art zebrafish research facility.

Published in Tools & Technology

Oil spill research: UAB investigators aim to develop new technologies to monitor the health of animal populations in oceans around the world.

Published in Research & Scholarship
James Coker hopes to find new microorganisms that will dominate in the carbon-rich environments of the Gulf affected by the oil spill.
Published in Extramural Awards

UAB researchers have received funding to investigate the damage caused to the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem after the 2010 BP oil spill.

Published in Extramural Awards

Research in the Gulf of Mexico will enable UAB marine scientists to support the environmental recovery following the 2010 oil spill.

Published in Extramural Awards

The oil we can’t see poses as big of a threat to the wildlife as the slicks themselves.

Published in Research & Scholarship
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