During this global stay-at-home approach the COVID-19 pandemic, many UAB employees are working remotely for an extended time for the first time. That can mean a lot of disruption to normal routines, more sitting than usual and fewer opportunities for movement throughout the day. Wellness Specialist Riley Thornton, a registered dietitian, recommends six ways for faculty and staff to stay well while working from home and practicing social distancing.

Schedule movement breaks and lunchtime with calendar invites.
“This will keep you on task but away from mindlessly eating while working through the day,” Thornton said.

Don’t deviate too much from your normal eating routine.
“Try the new ‘Start Simple with MyPlate’ app from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set goals around trying different food groups and learn new ways to incorporate healthy food items,” she said. The app is available for iOS and Android.

Create a menu and stick to it.

Get some exercise! Even indoors.
If you have 5-10 minutes for activity, try YouTube-guided light stretching or yoga and incorporate some “deskercises” recommended by the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability into your daily routine or jumping rope indoors or outdoors.
If you have 10-15 minutes, flow through one online yoga video — or, Thornton says, get a little groovy with it.
“Find two or three songs you and your family enjoy and have a dance party,” she said.
If you have 25 minutes or more to exercise, check out free exercise videos from fitness coach Les Mills provided by UAB Recreation. Watch more than 100 videos with free access. Also try solo running, bike-riding or even a new sport or activity in the yard with family members.
Thornton says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends physical activity breaks in the workplace, and suggests guided exercises for light, medium or more complex physical activities you can incorporate into your work schedule.
“Help facilitate one of the group stretching exercises as a way to start or end your next team conference call,” Thornton said.

Get outdoors if you can.
“Being outside is a great way to incorporate physical activity while relieving stress and get Vitamin D if you don’t already through diet alone,” she said.

Practice mindfulness to stave off feeling overwhelmed.
“Or, call a friend or family member during your next walk to catch up and reflect on the things you’re most grateful for,” she continued.