Free course helps you create high-quality online content

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laptop hands sizedLUAB Professional Studies is offering a free course to help faculty learn to produce high-quality online content for their students.

“More and more faculty are creating online content and using multiple online opportunities in portions of their on-campus courses,” said Kathy Mergl, manager of Professional Studies. “Faculty want to produce the highest-quality product, because that’s UAB’s history. Online accessibility is a relatively new aspect of creating content, and UAB has made a commitment to providing as much support as possible to help faculty achieve that goal.”

The course, Fundamentals of Accessible Online Teaching, Learning and Communication, comprises four online modules and can be completed in about four hours. Participants who complete the course within 60 days receive a certificate and 0.4 continuing-education units.

The first module addresses the importance of creating accessible online content, and the other three explore skills faculty can apply.

“Many of the steps involved are not complicated and actually have great benefits for them,” Mergl said. “For example, some of the techniques will result in better search engine results, an instant table of contents and offer great benefit for our students who speak English as a second language. The techniques also can be applied to business presentations.”

To register, email to receive a promotional code and instructions for applying.