UAB Genetic Counseling Program
Supervisor Website
Thank you for serving as a supervisor for a UAB Genetic Counseling student. This website is designed to provide ongoing access to information you may find helpful as a supervisor.
This page has three sections:
- UAB Supervision Training Videos: short videos on topics specific to the UAB clinical training experience and more broad topics related to supervision.
- Other Training and Resources for Supervisors: additional videos, readings and documents to expand your supervision training and knowledge.
- Forms and Documents: items to help plan and execute a successful rotation.
The Accreditation Counsel for Genetic Counseling (ACGC) requires clinical supervisors to engage in 1 hour of clinical supervision training per year. This 1 hour must include at least 0.5 hours of supervision training specific to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ). This means, at minimum each supervisor needs to have 0.5 hours general supervisor training and 0.5 hours DEIJ specific supervisor training.
UAB Supervision Training Videos
Below are several videos for supervisors to learn specifics about the UAB Genetic Counseling Program rotations and supervision strategies in general. Watching these videos can be used to satisfy the ACGC general supervisor training requirements.
Clinical Rotations Overview
- UAB clinical training design and objectives
- Review of clinical training that occurs in Y1 and Y2 of the program
- Rotation types, length and structure
- Clinical sites and site selection
- Rotation schedule
- Definition of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- What information about a student do you need permission to share
- How FERPA applies to students on rotation
- How to uphold FERPA
- What to do if FERPA is violated
All Things eValue
- Logging in
- Documenting Supervisor Training
- Signing off on cases
- Completing evaluations
Student and Supervisor Expectations
- Importance of setting expectations for a rotation
- Who notifies students/supervisors of their expectations
- Overview of student expectations
- Overview of supervisor expectations
Orienting Your Student to Clinic
- Rotation orientation checklist
- Components of a rotation syllabus
- Components of a rotation schedule
- Clinic information to share with a student
- Institution/City information to share with a student
- Overview of supervision styles
- Student/supervisor communication
Case Requirements and Benchmarks
- Definition of a participatory and non-participatory case
- ACGC Standards for case logbooks
- What information is recorded in case logbooks
- Case nuances
- UAB specific case benchmarks
Goal Setting
- Importance of goal setting
- How to set goals with a student
- Resources for goal setting
- Types of goals
- Goal tracking
- Definition of a SMART goal
- Times when supervisor provide feedback
- Effective and ineffective feedback strategies
- UAB feedback definitions used on evaluations
- Example feedback scenarios
Rotation Assignments
- Benefits of assignments
- Clinic prep assignments
- Assignments to enhance the rotation experience
- Administrative assignments
- Rubrics
- Assignment feedback
- Evaluations completed by students
- Evaluations completed by supervisors
- Details of evaluating clinic performance, eValue case logs, midpoint and final performance
- Components of the midpoint and final rotation evaluations
- Resources for evaluating students
- Tips for evaluating students
- How to use the UAB feedback definitions in student evaluations
- Rotation grading
- Components of the site and supervisor evaluations
- What constitutes remediation
- Notification of remediation
- Types of clinical remediation
- Outcomes of remediation
Supporting Students and Boundaries
- Why do students need support
- Student resources available through UAB
- Resources supervisors can provide to students
- Importance of boundaries
- When to discuss boundaries
- UAB specific boundaries
- Common boundary conundrums
- Additional resources of boundaries in supervision
Additional Resources for Supervisors
- Benefits of supervision
- How to further develop as a supervisor
- Print resources for supervision
- Training resources for supervision
Summer 2024 Supervision Recording: Giving Effective Feedback
Other Training and Resources for Supervisors
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Supervision Training
Resources for DEIJ Supervisor Training may include NSGC webinars, NSGC annual conference, and regional/local conferences or supervisor trainings. Available trainings include, but are not limited to:
- The UAB GC Program’s summer supervisor training
- Recordings from the 2022 NSGC Webinar series One Concrete Step Towards Culturally Engaged Supervision or J.E.D.I. Initiatives and Considerations for Genetic Counseling Student Lab/Industry Rotations
Supervision of Genetic Counseling Students: How and Why
This training series was developed by members of the Association of Genetic Counseling Program Directors (AGCPD). It consists of short lectures and learning activities. Below is a summary of the content.
Introduction to Clinical Supervision:
- Paying it Forward: Training the Next Generation
- The Student-Supervisor Relationship
- From GC Student to GC Clinical Supervisor: Effective Supervision
Basic Concepts and Tasks:
- Goal Setting in Genetic Counseling Supervision: Basic Concepts and Skills
- Providing Feedback
- Clinical Evaluation Tools
Structure of Clinical Supervision:
- Teaching Clinical Skills
- Supervision of Psychosocial Skill Development
- Specific of Live Supervision
AGCPD Clinical Supervision Training
- Entrustment Video | Entrustment Slides
- Goal Setting Video | Goal Setting Slides
- Feedback Video | Feedback Slides
- Psychosocial Skills Video | Psychosocial Skills Slides
- Care for Supervisors Video | Care for Supervisors Slides
Supervision Forms and Worksheets
- Be Proactive: Reflect and Set Your Goals as a Supervisor Using This Form
- Supervisor Strategies
- Supervisor Emphasis Rating Form
Additional Reading on Supervision
- Systematic Review of GC Supervision Training in North America
- Genetic Counseling Supervision - A Call to Action
- Games in Clinical GC Supervision
- GC Supervision Competencies Results of Delphi Study
- GC Supervision Strategies: A Elaboration of the Reciprocal Engagement Model
- The Impact of Supervision Training on GC Supervisory Identity Development
- Boundary Issues and Multiple Relationships in Genetic Counseling Supervision
- Training the Millennial Learner
- The textbook A Guide to Genetic Counseling by Baker, Schuette, and Uhlmann (see their great chapter on Student Supervision)
- Zahm, K.W. "Professional Development: Reflective Genetic Counseling Practice." IN: LeRoy, B.S., McCarthy Veach, P., Bartels, D. M. (Eds). (2010). Genetic Counseling Practice: Advanced Concepts and Skills. New York: John Wiley and Sons. p. 353-380.
Forms and Documents
Planning Documents
To Use in Sessions and Case Sign Off
- Student Progress Goals and Feedback Definitions
- Grading Rubric for Clinic Notes
- Grading Rubric for Presentations
- Midpoint Evaluation, Final Rotation Evaluation, Evaluation of Rotation Site, and Anonymous Evaluation of the Supervisor (Note: these are housed in eValue and are available here for your reference)
Continuing Education Credits
Remember that supervisors can get CEUs for supervision! Claim CEUs by following the instructions as outlined by the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) for the PAC credits. UAB will provide a letter to all primary supervisors documenting supervision efforts each summer.
Contact Information:
UAB’s Genetic Counseling Program
Katie Hutto, MS, CGC
Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.