Are you making the calcium connection?
Fill in the number of servings you get from each of these foods over one day. The calculator will automatically multiply the total servings in each group by the milligrams of calcium in each serving. Then it will add up the final numbers to give you your day’s total calcium intake.
# of servings |
8 ounces of yogurt without added fruit |
Invalid Input |
½ cup evaporated skim milk |
Invalid Input |
½ cup dry milk powder |
Invalid Input |
Add up total servings from group 1. |
Invalid Input x 400 = |
Invalid Input mg calcium |
# of servings |
8 ounces of milk (any kind) |
Invalid Input |
8 ounces of fruited yogurt |
Invalid Input |
8 ounces of calcium-fortified orange juice |
Invalid Input |
¼ cup parmesan cheese |
Invalid Input |
½ cup part-skim ricotta cheese |
Invalid Input |
1 ounce Swiss or Gruyere cheese |
Invalid Input |
½ cup calcium-treated tofu |
Invalid Input |
3 ounces canned sardines w/bones |
Invalid Input |
Add up total servings from group 2. |
Invalid Input x 300 = |
Invalid Input mg calcium |
# of servings |
1 ounce natural cheese |
Invalid Input |
Add up total servings from group 3. |
Invalid Input x 200 = |
Invalid Input mg calcium |
# of servings |
1 ounce natural cheese |
Invalid Input |
½ cup pudding, custard, flan |
Invalid Input |
½ cup cooked collards |
Invalid Input |
3 ounces pink canned salmon w/bones |
Invalid Input |
Add up total servings from group 4. |
Invalid Input x 150 = |
Invalid Input mg calcium |
# of servings |
1 ounce nonfat cream cheese |
Invalid Input |
½ cup turnip greens, bok choy |
Invalid Input |
1 ounce almonds |
Invalid Input |
½ cup cottage cheese |
Invalid Input |
½ cup ice cream, ice milk, frozen yogurt |
Invalid Input |
½ cup white beans |
Invalid Input |
1 serving of most calcium-fortified cereals |
Invalid Input |
Add up total servings from group 5. |
Invalid Input x 100 = |
Invalid Input mg calcium |
# of servings |
½ cup broccoli |
Invalid Input |
½ cup kale, mustard greens |
Invalid Input |
½ cup most dried beans |
Invalid Input |
1 medium corn tortilla |
Invalid Input |
1 medium orange |
Invalid Input |
1 tablespoon dry milk |
Invalid Input |
Add up total servings from group 6. |
Invalid Input x 50 = |
Invalid Input mg calcium |
Now add up your total mg of calcium from each group for your day’s total. |
Invalid Input
Add in calcium from supplements and compare your total to your recommended intake. |
Invalid Input
Invalid Input