Explore UAB

The UAB Career Center presents the Employer Engagement Program, a comprehensive partnership opportunity tailored to engage HR personnel, recruiters, talent acquisition professionals, and on-campus recruiters.

The program aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry, presenting an excellent opportunity to tap into a pool of potential candidates while contributing to the success of the UAB Career Center.

The UAB Career Center works predominantly with students and employers affiliated with the School of Nursing, School of Education and Human Sciences, School of Public Health, School of Health Professions, and the College of Arts and Sciences. Note that the School of Engineering and the Collat School of Business operate their own career centers and fund-raising efforts. Please refer to the contact information provided at the end for partnerships with these schools.

Our Partners





Benefits to Employers

  • Increased visibility on campus
  • Access to a pool of qualified candidates
  • Opportunities to participate in career development programs
  • Enhanced employer branding
  • Positive impact on the community

Benefits to Students

  • Increased access to internships and jobs
  • Opportunities to learn about different industries and companies
  • Access to career development resources, services, and professional attire
  • Enhanced job search skills
  • Increased confidence in their career readiness


Partnership Levels

The UAB Career Center offers a variety of partnership levels to meet the needs of employers of all sizes.

Partnership levels include:

  • Tier 1: Blazer Elite

    • Premier table placement at all UAB Career Center career fairs
    • Complimentary registration for all UAB Career Center career fairs
    • Company logo on all UAB Career Center event materials
    • Company logo on UAB Career Center website
    • Company spotlight in targeted student email
    • Inclusion on Employer Advisory Board
    • Invitation to host an Employer-Specific Webinar/Presentation
    • Luncheon with select faculty

    Cost: $5,000

  • Tier 2: Blazer Pro

    • Complimentary registration for all UAB Career Center career fairs
    • Company logo on all UAB Career Center event materials
    • Company logo on UAB Career Center website
    • Company spotlight in targeted student email
    • Invitation to host an Employer-Specific Webinar/Presentation

    Cost: $2,500

  • Tier 3: Blazer Basic

    • Company logo on all UAB Career Center event materials
    • Company logo on UAB Career Center website
    • Company spotlight in targeted student email

    Cost: $1,000


Each tier offers a different level of benefits and visibility. Employers can select the tier that best meets their needs and budget.

Are you ready? Complete this form: https://uab.joinhandshake.com/edu/career_fairs/41429

We invite you to contact us at hireablazer@uab.edu or (205) 934-4324 to learn more about the UAB Career Center Employer Engagement Program.

For partnership opportunities with the School of Engineering and the Collat School of Business, please contact: School of Engineering: Neil Adams, nwadams@uab.edu

Collat School of Business: Rita Stewart Hampton, stewhamp@uab.edu