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HealthFair Logo Complex transparent17th Annual Health and Well-Being Virtual Fair with University Recreation

Welcome to the official website of the UAB University Recreation’s 17th Annual Health & Well-Being Fair. Enhancing the quality of life and promoting healthy living within the UAB community has always been our focus. Our Annual Health and Well-Being Fair has played an important role in helping us move closer towards our Vision as it creates opportunities for the UAB Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and other members of our community to come together with local and nation-wide organizations.

Participants can discover how each organization improves the quality of life through their services, products and other opportunities.

Due to COVID-19 and to maximize everyone’s safety, the UAB University Recreation Annual Health & Well-Being Fair will look a little bit different this year! We are taking the Annual Health & Well-Being Fair to a virtual setting!

Mark your calendars, the 17th Annual Health & Well-Being Fair will be taking place starting on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 and run through – Thursday February 18, 2021!

Registration is FREE.

Once you register you will gain access to the 3-day 17th Health & Well-Being Virtual Fair where you will have the opportunity to interact with over 40 different vendors. In addition, all registered participants will be placed in a drawing to win prizes from our participating vendors!