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Whether you’re designing a banner, ordering new light pole banners, or brainstorming interior building signage, UAB has guidelines in place for producing and displaying campus signage.

Step 1: Design Your Signage

Though official UAB logos are available for use, they are not required on all campus signage. For example, a yard sign advertising an event will likely call for an official logo. However, interior building signage and wall décor is allowed a more creative approach. Below are a few examples of successful environmental signage on campus. Remember: the UAB logo is not your only option for internal signage. Text, photography, and other graphic elements can all be used to convey the UAB spirit and brand. If you’re unsure whether or not an official logo should be included in your signage, please contact marketing@uab.edu.

dining commons with mural in background
dining commons mural closeup
digning commons tables and booths
electric cars plugged into charging station
hallway with colorful pictures
hill center interior hall

Step 2: Select a Vendor

Any vendor producing items with the UAB name, logos, or marks is required to have a license with CLC (UAB’s licensing partner). Before hiring a vendor to produce your signage, first ensure they are CLC licensed. If you need assistance locating a CLC licensed vendor to produce your signage, contact marketing@uab.edu.

Step 3: Submit Your Signage for Marketing Approval

Per the UA System requirement, Marketing & Communications must approve all marketing and advertising efforts — including campus signage — via the Marketing Approval Form.

Step 4: Submit a Work Order for Installation/Dismantling

UAB Facilities oversees installation and dismantling of campus signage. Once you’ve submitted your Marketing Approval Form and received approval, loop in UAB Facilities by submitting a work order.


Certain types of campus signage, like monument, building mounted signage, and specialty signs, have specific graphic standards and must first be reviewed by Marketing & Communications and UAB Facilities to avoid over-signing buildings or the surrounding grounds. Learn more about the university’s Public Realm Guidelines, External Signage Guidelines, and contact marketing@uab.edu to further discuss your plans.

Architectural Signage

Because architectural signage is managed differently from other signage, the vendor is not necessarily required to be CLC licensed. UAB defines architectural signage as “signage that is made the subject of a separate contract between the University and the specified vendor or contractor providing or erecting the signage as previously approved by the university and as depicted in architectural drawings and specifications provided by the university’s selected architect. Generally, architectural signage provides identification and / or wayfinding within the university and is specific to a place or building on campus.” Vendors producing signage (featuring UAB’s trademarks) that falls outside the architectural signage definition must be CLC licensed.

Light Pole Banners

UAB has established a new standard, double-banner template approved for use by schools/colleges/units. Learn more or place an order.

Feedback/Need Help?

Can't find what you need? Do you have suggestions for items to add to our brand and communications toolkit? Email marketing@uab.edu, and we'll connect you with the right Marketing & Communications team member.

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