This policy provides a procedure for review and approval of outdoor banners on the campus of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
The purpose of the UAB Banner Policy is to promote the university’s six districts and facilitate marketing and coordination of University events and achievements. Banner districts have been designed to promote campus placemaking, defined as collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. Banners distinguish UAB districts for visitors, promote wayfinding and make these areas aesthetically cohesive. At the same time too many banners distract from the cohesiveness of the campus and negatively impact wayfinding.
Banner requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis to ensure clarity of message from a University-wide perspective. Marketing & Communications and UAB Health System Marketing & Communications will be responsible for the administration of this policy with the Public Realm Review Committee (PRRC) responsible for review as needed.

Banner District Expectations
There are six banner districts. Each district serves different needs. These districts can be subdivided into high rotation banner districts and low rotation banner districts.
High Rotation Banner Districts
These three districts will rotate banners frequently to advertise events.
- Arts District: Banners in the Arts District will primarily promote events hosted by the Alys Stephens Center and the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts. This district is under the administration of University Relations.
- Athletics District: The Athletics District incorporates all the fields and facilities in the northwestern corner of campus. Athletics will have several teams, seasons, and games to advertise throughout the year. This district is under the administration of University Relations.
- Residence Halls: Residence Halls are an ideal place to advertise student programing throughout the year. This district is under the administration of University Relations.
Low Rotation Banner Districts
These three districts will rotate banners infrequently.
- University Campus: University Campus is the largest banner district, including University Boulevard and the 14th Street corridor. UAB Core-Branded banners are ideal in this district. This district is under the administration of University Relations.
- Medical District: The Medical District incorporates all hospitals and clinical areas in the northeastern corner of campus. An appropriate medical symbol alongside the UAB Medicine logo is recommended. This district is under the administration of UAB Health System Marketing & Communications.
- Highlands Medical District: The district surrounds the UAB Hospital-Highlands and its adjacent parking. This district will experience the least banner rotation. This district is under the administration of UAB Health System Marketing & Communications.
Requests for banners must follow these instructions. All requests may be subject to review by Assistant Vice President of Facilities or the PRRC. In extraordinary circumstances, Facilities maintains the right to adjust the schedule for banner display if deemed necessary.
1. Submit a “UAB Request Form for Outdoor Banners” below.
2. Submit banner project request a minimum of eight weeks prior to desired date of installation.
3. Submittal must include:
- Type of Banner(s): Light pole or Building Mounted
- Banner District
- Location: Street or intersection address and/or building name
- Name of UAB sponsoring group, with contact person identified
- Description of purpose for banner display
- Start and end dates of the banner display
- Electronic proof of the banner design in either pdf or jpeg format
4. Marketing & Communications and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications will review and make the following determinations:
- Acceptability or “appropriateness” of the content/message of the banner.
- Acceptability of the proposed graphic design, including presentation of the university name, use of trademarks, etc.
- Reasonability of the location request. Can the request be physically accommodated, based on the locations, preferred banner districts, and in view of other requests for banners in similar locations at the same time?
- Assess whether review by the PRRC is required.
5. Marketing & Communications and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications will return the results of the review and approval process to the requester as
- Approved
- Approved with requested modifications
- Rejected with reasons listed
6. Marketing & Communications and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications will coordinate with district communication contact to determine appropriateness for each district.
7. Once approved, Marketing & Communications and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications will submit a Facilities work order. Facilities (or its designated contractor) is the only unit on campus authorized to install and/or remove outdoor banners.
General Requirements
Duration of Display
- Banners will be displayed for a limited time based on messaging relevance and other scheduled banners. Display times will be determined by University Relations and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications, and Facilities.
- The exact dates when banners are installed and dismantled will be impacted by the availability of appropriate staff from Facilities.
Graphic Content of Outdoor Banners
- The stated purpose of the UAB Banner Policy is to promote the university’s six districts and facilitate marketing of university events.
- Content may include the name or logo of the sponsoring university unit, department, school, or college, but non-university sponsors shall not appear on outdoor banners. All banners should meet UAB brand guidelines found at www.uab.edu/toolkit.
- If a university logo is used, policies in regard to use of trademarks shall be observed: www.uab.edu/ur/licensing. All banners must be produced by a CLC licensed vendor.
- Banners may not be used for:
- Commercial advertising
- Advertising or promoting any political candidate, party, or issue
- Identifying, advertising, or promoting any religion
Requester Responsibility
Banner requesters are responsible for:
- Developing the design of the banner/s with the assistance of University Relations and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications.
- Submitting the request with back-up materials for review and approval to University Relations and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications via “Request Form for Outdoor Banners”.
- Making necessary changes to the proposal if requested to do so through the review process. Ensuring that the final design of the banner/s has received explicit approval from University Relations and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications prior to contacting any vendor or manufacturer.
- Working with University Relations and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications in contracting a CLC licensed vendor to physically produce the banners, and purchasing the necessary quantity of banners plus additional units for replacement if lost or stolen. The requester will determine the number of replacement banners purchased.
- Working with University Relations and/or UAB Health System Marketing & Communications in initiating a work order and paying for installation and removal of banners through Facilities. Facilities will not proceed with the request without a current valid UAB account for posting charges. There will be a fee for the installation and removal of each banner.
- Delivering finished banners to Facilities for installation.
- Assuming the cost of removing/replacing damaged or worn banners by Facilities.
Banner Types
Type 1: Light Pole Banner
- Types:
- UAB Pedestrian Light Pole
- City of Birmingham Street Light Pole: Reserved for University installation.
- Materials
- Size:
- UAB Pedestrian Light Poles: Size of banners on light poles is 18” wide by 36” tall, including 2” sewn pole pocket at both the top and bottom of the banner height. Note: Sizes may vary depending on pole types.
- City of Birmingham Street Light Pole: Size of banners on light poles is 29” wide by 59” tall, including 2”- 2-1/2” sewn pole pocket at both the top and bottom of the banner height. Note: Sizes may vary depending on pole types.
- Banners shall be double sided.
- Banners shall be made of high-quality, flame retardant vinyl, or other awning material. Banner material shall be opaque, non-shrinking, water, tear, and fade resistant.
- Banners shall have double sewn seams at all edges and at both sides of the pole pockets. Metal tie-down grommets shall be installed at the intersecting locations of double sewn seams (the two locations where the double sewn seam intersects with the upper and lower pole pocket seams).
Type 2: Building Mounted Banner
- Types:
- Designated: Several buildings have the infrastructure in place for building mounted signage. In these cases, the primary building user or designated group is responsible for the administration, review, installation, care, removal, and replacement of the signage. Designated banner installations require University Relations review and coordination but do not require PRRC review.
- Wall Mounted: There are multiple locations across campus where buildings include large blank walls where banners would be appropriate. To maintain consistency across campus, to ensure no “over-bannering” and to minimize potential damage to a building, each wall mounted application shall be reviewed by the PRRC. Review criteria includes but not limited to the following:
- Location
- Proximity to other installations
- Proportions / size of banner to proposed wall
- Duration
- Banner image / content
- Exclusions: Temporary banners are permitted as part of Fall Homecoming event without the review and approval of the PRRC. Temporary banners are limited in duration to a maximum of two weeks and must be removed within two days of the completion of said event.
- Materials
- Banners shall be made of high quality vinyl, flame retardant canvas, or other awning material. Banner material shall be opaque, non-shrinking, water, tear, and fade resistant.
- Banners shall have double sewn seams at all edges and at both sides of the pole pockets. Metal tie-down grommets shall be installed at the intersecting locations of double sewn seams (the two locations where the double sewn seam intersects with the upper and lower pole pocket seams).
Wall mounted banners are limited to a maximum of six months unless approved by the PRRC at the time of review. No more than one banner may be installed on a building at one time. The size of wall mounted banners will vary based on location. Approval of the building administrator is required.