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Parking options for Faculty and Staff parking are spread among various deck, lot, and express parking.

  • Campus decks are located within the campus core and are the most expensive to maintain and repair, along with being among the most in-demand for parking.
  • Campus lots are located within the campus core and are in high demand.
  • Express parking is located in designated lots on the campus periphery. Fixed shuttle routes are used to transport employees near their designated work areas.

A waiting list is kept on any facility that has demand greater than capacity. Contact UAB Transportation to add your name to a wait list. To request a permit, use the “Apply for Parking” tab and complete the information requested.

Emeritus status employees qualify for free parking as long as they receive no compensation from UAB. If compensation is received, even on a short-term basis (i.e. Adjunct Faculty, consultant, etc.), parking fees will be assessed at the standard rate. Contact UAB Transportation to determine eligibility.