Important Numbers

  • UAB Police Emergency:
    (205) 934-3535 or 911 from UAB phone
  • UAB Police Non-Emergency:
    (205) 934-4434
  • Building Administrator:
    Kristina Boyle, (205) 975-3640, (205) 790-3296, or
  • Building Administrator Alternates:
  • UAB Maintenance:
    (205) 934-5353
  • UAB Campus Safety:
    (205) 934-2487
  • UAB Telecommunications:
    (205) 934-7777
  • UAB Emergency Operation Center (EOC):
    (205) 975-1000


An emergency or "disaster" is any event which seriously disrupts the normal functions of the UAB Campus, regardless of the cause. Special detailed plans are included which address such scenarios as fire, bomb threat, loss of electrical power, dangerous person or active shooter, severe weather, and medical emergencies.

Administrative Notification

In the event of any disaster, UAB Police should be contacted by dialing “911” from any UAB phone or by dialing (205) 934-3535 from a cell phone or public phone.

Table of Contents

Bomb Threat

It is the responsibility of the local police department to investigate all suspected bombs and reports of bombs being placed on campus property and coordinate evacuation, searches, and removal of suspected explosive devices. This shall be accomplished in cooperation with staff, fire department, and other agencies which may be called to assist.

  • If you receive a bomb threat use the bomb threat check list to gather all pertinent information. (pdfSee Appendix C).
  • Report the bomb threat and all available information to the UAB Police by dialing “911” and your supervisor.
  • Notify the Building Administrator or designee who will communicate with the police department, obtain instructions, and make an evacuation determination based on the credibility of the threat.
  • Do not advise the general public. Allow business as usual until directed otherwise.
  • If evacuation is necessary, UAB Police, the Campus Safety Coordinator, the Building Administrator or designee, and possibly other building representatives will notify each floor of the need to evacuate. If the building fire alarm system is equipped with an "all call" feature for public address, the evacuation will be announced building-wide by UAB Police. The fire alarm may also be used to speed evacuation. Do not make a general announcement that the reason for evacuation is a bomb. Only state there is an "emergency situation" and that everyone must evacuate and go to their designated gathering point for their department.

Loss of Electrical Power

Upon loss of power, remain calm and notify Campus maintenance dispatch immediately at extension (205) 934-5353.

  • Where available, the emergency generator will transfer power upon loss of electricity. It is important that all staff are trained that the switch to emergency power is not instant. There will be a brief delay. Also, not all areas have emergency power. Light switches and electrical outlets on emergency generators are red and easily identified. Critical equipment should be plugged into these red outlets.
  • Egress lighting: All areas have egress lighting at a minimum in order to maintain enough light to navigate corridors and stairs. However, this lighting is very dim compared to what you are used to. It is important to keep evacuation routes and corridors clear of all clutter that could pose a hazard in dim light and slow or obstruct evacuation.
  • All non-essential equipment should be turned off until power has been restored.

Loss of Communications

  1. If the telephone system is lost, avoid attempting to use the phone.
  2. Designate one individual to periodically check the phone.
  3. Use cellular phones to maintain essential communications.

Active Shooter

An active shooter is a person who appears to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearm(s), and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. These situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, demanding immediate deployment of law enforcement resources to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to innocent victims. This document guides faculty, staff, and students who may be caught in an active shooter situation and describes what to expect from responding police officers.

Guidance to Faculty, Staff, and Students

Should a shooter or a person with a weapon appear on campus, call the University Police [911 or (205) 934-353] as soon as safely possible. The University Police Department is trained to deal with this incident and will respond immediately upon notification.

Each situation is different, so no single procedure will work in all circumstances. You will have to make the best decision based on your unique situation. Always be aware of your surroundings as you determine how best to protect yourself. The Department of Homeland Security offers the following suggestions.


If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Help others escape, if possible.
  • Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
  • Keep your hands visible.
  • Follow the instructions of any police officer.
  • Do not attempt to move wounded people.
  • Call 911 or (205) 934-3535 (UABPD) when you are safe.


If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should:

  • Be out of the active shooter's view.
  • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door).
  • Do not trap yourself or restrict your options for movement.
To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:
  • Lock the door.
  • Blockade the door with heavy furniture.
If the active shooter is nearby:
  • Lock the door.
  • Silence your cell phone and/or pager.
  • Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions).
  • Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks).
  • Remain quiet.
If evacuation and hiding are not possible:
  • Remain calm.
  • Dial 911 or (205) 934-3535 (UAB Police Department) if possible to alert police of the active shooter's location.
  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.


As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:

  • Acting as aggressively as possible against the shooter.
  • Throwing items and improvising weapons.
  • Yelling.
  • Committing to your actions.
When calling the police, attempt to provide the following information:
  • Building/Site name and location.
  • Your name and phone number.
  • Exact location and number of shooters.
  • Description of shooter, type of weapon, number of hostages, if any.
  • Number and location of any injured persons.

When the police arrive, they may not know who the shooter(s) are, yet perpetrators have been known to hide among students. Therefore, it is important to obey all law enforcement commands. Officers may order everyone to raise their hands or even place handcuffs on them. This is done for safety reasons to prevent further injury and possible escape by the perpetrator(s). Once law enforcement officers are on the scene, they will move through the area/building. Follow all directions from law enforcement officers immediately. The primary focus of UABPD will be to locate and confront the threat. Once the threat has been contained, other resources will assist you.

Severe Weather Safety

Departments should have a way of monitoring for inclement weather, such as a weather radio, weather app for your phone, B-Alert, etc. Department captains along with the Building Administrator or other designees will be responsible for monitoring the weather for changes that may require an upgrade in readiness. The Building Administrator is also responsible, in consultation with Campus Safety, for helping departments determine specific actions that should be taken to protect UAB employees, students, visitors and property.

Emergency Sirens

There are eight emergency sirens located strategically around campus to help alert the community and those outdoors in the event of a tornado warning or sighting (see below). These are activated by the Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency in cooperation with the National Weather Service.

Heavy Rain and Flooding

Campus maintenance will be prepared to handle sewer back-up and other problems associated with flooding in areas known to have problems. Environmental or Building Services is responsible for making sure door mats and wet floor signs are deployed and to assist with any needed cleanup.

Flash Flooding

Some roads, parking areas, sidewalks, etc. at UAB are prone to flash flooding during periods of severe downpours. This can be made worse because of construction. Be aware of your surroundings.

  • Never try to walk or swim through swiftly moving water.
  • Never try to cross water in a vehicle, whether it is moving or not.
  • If your vehicle stalls in rapidly rising water, abandon it immediately and move to higher ground.

Severe Lightning/Electrical Storms

While it is unlikely that such storms will result in serious damage to the University as a result of electrical activity, it is advisable to curtail certain activities that may present risks, such as outdoor or rooftop activities, or the use of any equipment that could cause injury or be damaged by sudden surges or interruptions in the power supply.

Many lightning fatalities or injuries occur at the beginning or end of a thunderstorm. The following are some lightning safety rules:

  • Keep an eye on the sky. Look for darkening skies, flashes of light, or increasing wind. Listen for the sound of thunder.
  • If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck by lightning.
  • Count seconds from the time you see lightning until you hear thunder, then divide by five. This gives you the distance in miles from the lightning to you.

When a storm approaches:

  • Find shelter in a building or car. Keep car windows closed and avoid convertibles.
  • Avoid using the telephone or any electrical appliance. Telephone lines and metal pipes can conduct electricity.

If someone is struck by lightning:

  • People who have been struck by lightning carry no electrical charge and can be handled safely.
  • If they have stopped breathing, perform CPR.

Watches and warnings:

  • Watch:
    A tornado, severe thunderstorm, flash flood, etc. watch means conditions are favorable for the development of that particular weather event that is capable of causing severe damage. The watch will be issued by the National Weather Service for a specified period of time. Specific information will be broadcast on the weather radio and on commercial radio and television. Each department should develop a call tree or other method of notifying everyone of the potential for severe weather. Since this is not an immediate threat and no specific action is required, e-mail notification or a group text works well for this. Make sure to include when the watch period will end.No specific action should be taken by employees during a watch except to stay alert to weather conditions and updates.
  • Warning:
    A tornado, severe thunderstorm, flash flood, etc. warning means a weather event has been positively identified in or near Jefferson County. Emergency sirens will sound. Everyone must stay alert for sudden changes in weather conditions and weather announcements and should seek shelter immediately along the interior walls and enclosed windowless staircases, or in a basement area. The Collat Building is equipped with a storm shelter. See specific instructions below. With Doppler radar and other sophisticated electronic tracking systems we can more accurately track weather threats. It is extremely important to monitor radio, weather app, or TV for the latest information on the exact location of the storm.

Stay away from the windows as much as possible. Do not attempt to monitor conditions visually by standing at a large window.

In the event of tornado warning and when the emergency alarm system instructs us to do so:

  • Go to the lower level of the building and congregate on the inside (east side) of the double doors that lead to the elevators. These doors must remain closed for the shelter to work properly.
  • Open the double doors to the ventilator system near the “all gender” restroom and pull both leavers to open vents.
  • Go into the auditorium and activate the switch on the west wall (right hand wall of the walkway if you're facing the podium).
  • Corral all people into the auditorium and corridor area – making sure they do not shelter in stairwells.
  • Emergency lighting and ventilation will be activated.

Once a warning has been issued for the Birmingham Metro area someone should be appointed to monitor current conditions by using a weather radio, weather app, or by waiting for a notification from the B-Alert system. A B-Alert will be issued when the initial warning goes out and a “immediate threat has passed” will be given when current storm has passed the campus. This does not mean that another storm system could not be following behind so continuing conditions should be monitored until all danger has passed.

Fire Safety

If you detect FIRE or SMOKE, no matter how minor it may appear to be, STAY CALM and use common sense. Others will depend on your actions. Use the C.A.R.E. response system and follow these steps:

  • Close the door to CONFINE the fire and smoke. As you leave the room where the fire is located, close the room door and fire doors located in the corridors.
  • ACTIVATE THE FIRE ALARM by pulling the handle.
  • REPORT THE FIRE. Dial “911” (local police/fire department). Identify yourself and provide the exact location of fire or smoke and what is burning, if known.
  • EVACUATE staff and visitors immediately. Do not return to the building unless told to do so by the fire department, police, or the Safety Coordinator.


Evacuation of employees, students, and visitors will be carried out in a timely and orderly manner and will occur as follows:

  • All building occupants should proceed to the nearest exit, move away from the building.
  • Depending on which side of the building you exit, the corral points are:
    • The parking lot between Collat School of Business and Bell Building.
    • East side of the building, nearest the pedestrian walk bridge.

Your department captain will train you on exactly where your gathering point is. This will provide a quick and easy way to account for all employees and visitors. It is also important that the fire department has clear and unobstructed access to the building. Do not gather in the driveway, move away from the building.

Do not return to the building unless told to do so by the fire department, police, or the Campus Safety Coordinator. It is sometimes difficult to know when the all clear is given, however, UAB Police will be monitoring all exits and will blow their whistles and verbally notify groups in obvious gathering areas that it is safe to return to the building.

Provisions for Individuals with Disabilities

The landings inside of each stairwell are considered safe areas for individuals with disabilities. It is routine procedure for emergency personnel to check these areas for individuals with disabilities and/or injured persons. If the building must be evacuated, individuals with disabilities located above or below the ground floor should be escorted to the closest stairwell and a designated person should remain with them until emergency personnel arrive.

Fighting Small Fires

If you are certain that a small or contained fire does not pose an immediate threat to you, your co-workers, visitors, students, or the surrounding area, you may be able to put it out with the appropriate fire extinguisher. The fire extinguishers located through out the building are ABC type dry chemical.

Fire Drills

In an actual fire, there will be excitement and confusion. The confusion may be compounded by thick smoke and toxic gases. A normally well marked exit route may appear unfamiliar and disorienting. For this reason, it is essential that fire response procedures be practiced.

The training of personnel to respond effectively to a fire emergency is a critical component of any fire safety program. Each person must know exactly what to do and must have enough practice to be able to perform quickly and efficiently. Fire drills should be conducted as follows:

  1. Drills should be conducted in a manner that ensures all personnel participate.
  2. Drills are to be conducted by the Campus Safety Coordinator and Building Administrator or designee.
  3. Drills are to be initiated through verbal notification of an employee or by activating a fire alarm pull station. If a pull station is used, Campus maintenance should be on hand to reset the alarm and Birmingham Fire and Rescue must be notified of the exact time of the drill and when the system is back in service.
  4. The Campus Safety Coordinator, Building Administrator or designee will monitor and evaluate the fire drill response. Training will be held at that time if an employee is found to be unfamiliar with procedures.
  5. All clear to be called by the Campus Safety Coordinator, Building Administrator or designee.

Fire Prevention

The following guidelines have been established in order to maintain a fire safe environment for staff and visitors:

  • Free access to fire cabinets, fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment must be maintained at all times.
  • The "No Smoking" policy shall be enforced.
  • All use of candles and open flames are prohibited.
  • Keep all electrical equipment in good repair. Do not overload electrical circuits by using multiple plugs or unapproved extension cords. Only those extension cords labeled as UL Listed and in good condition may be used.
  • Only approved space heaters may be used. Never use an extension cord with space heaters.
  • Holiday decorations must be made of non-combustible or fire-retardant materials. Live Christmas trees are not permitted. Do not block corridors with decorations. Fire doors shall not be covered with combustible materials, such as wrapping paper.

Fire Safety Inspections

Conducting systematic inspections to locate and eliminate fire hazards is an indispensable element of the Fire Safety Program. The Safety Coordinator will conduct periodic, unannounced fire inspections as part of the hazard surveillance process. However, departments should periodically self inspect to help identify any potential hazards, such as space heaters too close to combustibles, frayed electrical wires, excessive combustibles (boxes, paper, etc.), improperly stored flammables, presence of burning candles, blocked emergency equipment or obstructed corridors.

It is the responsibility of each employee to report conditions believed to be unsafe or a fire hazard as soon after discovery as possible. Report these to the Building Administrator.

Fire Extinguishers, Fire Hoses, and Sprinkler Systems

Responsibility for periodic inspection, servicing, including recharging and minor maintenance and adjustments, removal and replacement of discharged or unserviceable units and the installation of new fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing systems or fire suppression equipment is a Campus Maintenance function.

  • Except for use in fighting a fire, fire extinguishers shall not be removed or relocated by any person except assigned maintenance or safety personnel.
  • Fire extinguisher inspection tags shall only be modified by the inspector.
  • Fire extinguisher inspection tags shall be removed by only the fire extinguisher shop.
  • Fire extinguisher locations must be clearly indicated according to applicable codes and must NOT be obstructed by furnishings, equipment, supplies, boxes, carts or any other material.

Fire Extinguisher Replacement

After an extinguisher has been used, regardless of how small the discharge, or if found to be unserviceable for any reason, it should be immediately replaced. Contact Campus Maintenance at (205) 934-5353 for this service.

Medical Emergency

It is the policy at UAB to provide faculty, staff, students, visitors and patients a means by which they may report and be assisted with medical emergencies.

To facilitate the treatment of injuries and illness in order to minimize their impact on faculty, staff, students, visitors and patients, follow these guidelines when responding to a medical emergency:

  • ASSESS the patient's condition by asking appropriate questions and observe response.
    • Do you know where you are?
    • What's your name?
    • Who is the president of the United States?
  • RESPOND contact 911 from a UAB phone or (205) 934-3535 (UAB emergency number). If patient is unresponsive and not breathing a qualified person or persons should begin Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), attach a Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) if one is available.
  • CREATE a safe space for the patient, clear onlookers, including unnecessary students and staff.
  • CARE for, monitor and communicate with the patient to continually observe the situation until medical responders arrive.
  • REPORT details of the incident to the medical responders. Gather information to complete UAB Incident Report, and submit it to Office of Risk Management and the Building Administrator.

Remember no one can be forced to seek medical care unless they choose to do so or are unresponsive and cannot choose for themselves.

Employee Injury Reporting

An incident/accident must be reported verbally by the employee to the employee's supervisor as soon as possible but no later than two calendar days following the incident/accident or following the onset of the illness or disease. Failure to verbally report an incident/accident within two calendar days of occurrence or within two calendar days of the onset of the illness or disease may result in denial of On-the-Job Injury/Illness (OJI) benefits.

Campus employees (to include Post Doc, Graduate Student employees, visiting scholars and visiting scientists): Employees with needle sticks and/or other exposures should be evaluated at The Workplace during the work week (Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.). If an incident occurs on the weekend or outside The Workplace's hours of operation (7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.), employees should go to UAB Highland's ED or University Hospital ED.

If medical treatment is required (other than needle sticks) call Brentwood Services at (205) 933-0373 or (800) 524-0604. Complete the Initial Medical Evaluation Authorization opens a new website and send with the employee to The Workplace (UAB Occupational Medicine) if the injury occurs during their operating hours (Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.). If outside The Workplace hours, send form with the employee to University Hospital Emergency Department (UHED), Highlands Emergency Department or UAB Urgent Care.

Injured employees may use Blazer Express for transportation to and from The Workplace for the initial visit. The Workplace is located at UAB Highlands, Suite 100. Their telephone number is (205) 933-5300. You should contact Brentwood Services Administrators [(205) 933-0373 or (800) 524- 0604] to coordinate transportation for any subsequent medical visits.

Complete an electronic Trendtracker Incident Report form as soon as possible. Refer to the UAB Human Resources opens a new website website for instructions. If you do not have access to Trendtracker, you may complete a paper incident report and send to Monica Jones in Administration Building opens a new website 215.

Student Injury

In the event a UAB student is injured, an immediate assessment should be made to determine the severity of injuries and proper response required.

  • If student is unresponsive and not breathing contact UAB dispatch immediately at (205) 934-3535 or 911 from UAB phone. A qualified person should start Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), attach Automatic External Defibrillator, if one is available. If severely injured the same process should be used in notifying UAB dispatch at (205) 934-3535 or 911 from UAB phone. Dispatch will then send appropriate response needed. Be sure to fill out the proper form opens a new website. At no point should notification to dispatch or transport be delayed to obtain paperwork.
  • If student has minor injuries and emergency response is not needed then the student should be directed to Student Health and Wellness Center. It will be up to the student whether to seek medical attention or not. UAB faculty cannot force a student to seek medical attention. The form listed above should be obtained regardless of treatment.

pdfDesignated Personnel and Department Responsibilities; Appendices

Collat School of Business