Lead and inspire others for positive change.
The Certificate in Organizational Leadership is designed to develop students’ leadership potential to ethically lead and influence others to achieve positive outcomes. The undergraduate certificate program emphasizes the importance of developing interpersonal relationship skills and abilities that improve communication and collaboration, leading to better results.
Leadership is a broad topic that includes many competencies. The certificate curriculum includes two required leadership theory courses and allows students to choose three leadership elective courses that align with their respective career goals.
Who can benefit?
- Students and professionals looking to fill or advance in leadership roles across a wide range of public and private organizations.
- Individuals looking to improve their understanding of relevant leadership theories and practices to create positive change in themselves, the community, and their organization.
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Courses and Program Requirements
The five-course Organizational Leadership Certificate requires two core leadership theory courses and three leadership elective courses.
Required courses (2)
- MG 425: Managing through Leadership
- MG 440: Advanced Leadership Theory and Practice
Elective courses (choose 3)
- MG 305: Nonprofit Organizational Management
- MG 306: Managing Innovation
- MG 309: Hogwarts School of Leadership
- MG 405: Nonprofit Strategy and Entrepreneurship
- MG 417: Project Management
- MG 414: Talent Development
- MG 430: Management and Leadership in Sports and Entertainment Organizations
- MG 438: Managerial Communication
- MK 330: Professional Selling
- ENT 425: Entrepreneurial Engagement Seminar
- IB 439: Global Business Communications
AdvisorDaffany L. AnglinManagement; Entrepreneurship (Last Names M-Z)205-975-2077CSB 357-B