Ella Grace Tankersley is a senior from Cullman, Alabama studying industrial distribution. She recently sat down with Collat's Alumni & Development Office to share her experiences at UAB and the Collat School of Business.

Q:  What made you choose to attend UAB Collat? 

A:  I chose the UAB Collat School of Business because of the unique pathways that were offered to me. Collat offered something to me that other universities did not — the unique pathway of Industrial Distribution, which will help equip me for a future career in medical sales. I am so thankful that I chose UAB and that I get the opportunity to be here!  

Q:  What is your favorite part about Collat? 

A:  Certainly the people that fill this special place. From faculty and staff to professors and students, the atmosphere cultivated here within the business school is a beautiful picture of what it means to be a family. I have met many of my best friends within Collat, as well as having encountered some of the very best mentors. I am so thankful to be a part of the Collat family!  

Q:  Who is your favorite professor or class and why? 

A:  My favorite professor would be Dr. John Hansen. Dr. Hansen is the definition of what it means to be a leader, both inside and outside of the classroom. If you know Dr. Hansen at all, then you know that he is a fantastic listener and always makes his students the top priority. I firmly believe that we need more people like Dr. H in this world!  

Q:  The store I frequent the most is __________________. 

A:  Wrapsody. Some may even say that I frequent it “too much!”  

Q:  Describe your day in six words. 

A:  Very busy yet rewarding and fulfilling.  

 Q:  If you could invite four people to dinner (dead or alive) who would they be and why? 

A:  Steve Harvey, because I think he is hilarious, and he would be such a fun dinner guest! Sandra Bullock, because she is my favorite actress and such a girl boss!  And my grandfather, because I never got to meet him but greatly wish that I did. I cannot think of a fourth.

Q:  What’s the closed thing to you that is green? 

A:  Currently, the closet green thing to me is the Collat freshman orientation folders. Which is a sign to come be a Blazer with me!  

Q:  What are the people who make your life better? 

A:  A few of the people in my life who simply just make it better include my Mama, who is my rock, and my three brothers. The people who are the “sunshine” in my life are Mrs. Kristen Craig, Mrs. Laura Tull, and Mrs. Andrea Miller Pound. Each of these special people just make my life so much better.  

Q:  What is the best advice you ever received? 

A:  To always do the next right thing. In our lives, we do not always have control over what the future holds. However, we do have the choice to continue to do the next “right” thing, whatever that may look like for you and your situation. This simple phrase is something I remind myself of daily. Choose your next right thing and live it out to the best of your ability!  


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