The Department of Anthropology is located on the 3rd floor of University Hall, room 3165. Directions to University Hall are available through UAB campus map.
Mailing Address
1402 10th Avenue South, UH 3165
Birmingham, Alabama 35294-1241
UAB Department of Anthropology
(205) 975-4983 | (205) 934-3508
Fax: (205) 975-4510

Lisa Gezon
(205) 934-0216
University Hall (UH) 3164

Peter Verbeek
Director, Graduate Program
(205) 975-9276
University Hall (UH) 3158

Stephen Merritt
Director, Honors Program
(205) 934-3508
University Hall (UH) 3129

Gregory Duncan Mumford
Director, Undergraduate Program
(205) 934-0490
University Hall (UH) 3160