Explore UAB

LAE Chapter 

Student weaving a basketLambda Alpha Epsilon is the UAB chapter of Lambda AlphaOpens an external link., a national honor society for undergraduate and graduate students of Anthropology.

We strive to cultivate understanding, community, and leadership by bringing together students and teachers of anthropology who are dedicated to the study of humanity. Our mission is to promote achievement in the discipline of anthropology and to support scholarship, research, and academic excellence. 

Lambda Alpha Epsilon ConstitutionOpens an external link.

Join Us

Lambda Alpha Epsilon is open to all Anthropology majors and minors. Interested applicants must be a declared major or minor; a minimum 3.0 GPA in anthropology courses for undergraduates; a minimum 3.25 GPA in anthropology courses for graduates; a minimum 2.5 GPA overall; completed 12 hours of coursework in anthropology; and submit a completed application formOpens an external link. to Dr. Jordan Kiper (our faculty sponsor). Becoming a member also requires a $25 lifetime application fee. 


We meet monthly during the academic year, during which time we hold discussions, host activities, and give students the opportunity to connect with other people in our department. Feel free to fill out our Lambda Alpha Epsilon QuestionnaireOpens an external link. so that we can receive your input on how we can best manage our organization.

Check out our Engage profile to keep up with upcoming meetings and activities!


Faculty Advisor: Jordan Kiper, email: jkiper@uab.edu, phone: (205) 934-3508

Check out our upcoming events on the UAB Calendar.

Lambda Alpha Honors Society EventsOpens an external link.