Explore UAB

Anthropology students having class on the steps of the building.Our faculty conduct research, teach, and train students on the topics of peace studies, sustainability, human rights, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology. We do research in a wide variety of cutting edge areas of study. Check out our faculty page to learn more about research, student mentoring, and other opportunities.

If you choose to study with us, you will have the opportunity to design a personalized program of study that satisfies your interests and the requirements of an undergraduate degree in anthropology.


We invite you to explore the site to learn who we are. Take a look at our coursesOpens an external link. and what you need to do to graduate. Get to know our faculty. Ask us questions. We hope to see you in the classroom!

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If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

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Contact Us

Lisa Gezon

Professor and Chair
Department of Anthropology
(205) 934-0216