Explore UAB

2018 PRCA AwardsThe UAB Department of Communication Studies offers a top-ranked and award-winning curriculum in public relations. Our program is designed to offer you a wide range of career choices in fields that include business, politics, sports, government, not-for-profits, crisis management, and education.

The public relations curriculum places a heavy emphasis on teaching you all the skills you'll need to succeed and excel in any of these organizations. You'll learn the basics in the field and also practice those skills by representing real clients over the course of your study, all under the supervision and advice of faculty. In addition, you will develop skills in management and leadership, as well as theory and research — all essential in providing professional representation to your clients throughout your career. Students regularly publish their work, recognized by public relations practitioners.

Here's What to Expect

Public relations is relationship-based. Initial courses will provide you with a broad overview of the field, exploring the relationships between public relations and other fields. Early on, you will begin representing clients while you take courses on the basic principles of public relations as a management function in the areas of communication analysis, counseling, and public information activities and publicity. You will learn to analyze the relationships between an organization and the public upon which the organization’s success or failure depend. Then you will use those analytical skills to develop and implement a campaign in conjunction with your client.

Why Study Public Relations at UAB?

Our program has won the Public Relations Council of Alabama (PRCA) Student Chapter of the Year for 38 of the last 40 years. In 2023 UAB brought home 10 Medallion Awards (the highest award offered by the Public Relations Council of Alabama) as well as 10 Awards of Excellence and seven Awards of Merit. One student won the Judge's Choice Award and one student placed second for the Student of the Year Award.

In 2023 the UAB program won the Outstanding Chapter Award, Chapter Campaign Award, Community Service Award, Chapter Diversity Award, and Chapter Website Award from the Public Relations Student Society of America. One student won the PR Strategist Award and the Wordsmith Award. In 2023 the program also won the Dr. F. H. Teahan National Chapter Award for Chapter Firm. It has received the STAR chapter award from the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) for the last three years. Three of our students won scholarships from PRSSA in 2022. UAB PRCA/PRSSA competes successfully against similar student organizations across the nation and students sit on national committees and are active in the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).Award-winning students with their certificates.

Program Requirements

A complete list of major requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study for Communication majors are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.

Want to Learn More?

Do you have questions that we haven't answered? Ask us! Email Dr. Jacquelyn S. Shaia, director of the public relations program and director of internships, at jsshaia@uab.edu.

Ready to apply? All the information you need can be found on UAB's Undergraduate Admissions Hub.






Honors Program

Honors Program