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Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program (ABM)

""Exceptional students currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in the Department of Computer Science — B.S. in Computer Science (BSCS), B.A. in Computer Science (BACS), B.S. in Bioinformatics (BIOI), and B.S. in Digital Forensics (BSDF) — may apply for an accelerated path to the completion of an accompanying Master’s degree in the Department of Computer Science — the M.S. in Computer Science (MSCS), M.S. in Data Science (MSDS), or the M.S. in Cybersecurity (MSSec).

Certain pairings of undergraduate program and graduate program are more natural than others (e.g., BSCS with MSCS, BSDF with M.S. Cybersecurity). However, all pairings are possible. For some pairings, makeup courses will be required since the core requirements of the degree programs differ significantly. Details are provided below.

How it Works

To accelerate progress through a master’s degree in the Department of Computer Science, a limited number of graduate courses (up to 12 credit hours) may be counted as a Computer Science (CS) elective towards both the completion of the undergraduate degree and the graduate degree.