Computer Science: Bachelor of Arts
Major at a Glance:
- 36 hours of CS classes (25 hours at the 300 level or above)
- Minor in a non-computing area: 15-26 hours
- C or higher required in all CS courses
- Course Catalog
- This is an on-campus program only
Do you have interests beyond computing? Are you interested in applying the tools and techniques of computer science to solving problems in science, arts, humanities, business, engineering, and other areas? Then this is the major for you.
A Cutting-Edge Major
Computer science skills and techniques are routinely used in several areas of the arts, the humanities, and beyond, and graduates with computer science skills and the ability to create innovative solutions are in high demand.
New B.A. programs in computer science are emerging across the country. What distinguishes UAB's program is its inclusion of a minor, giving you significant exposure to a second discipline. This advantage is possible because of the program's reduced requirements in math, sciences, and core computer science.
Although any non-computing minor at UAB may be taken to fulfill program requirements, we recommend the following minors, which are particularly appropriate for this degree:

- Art Studio (Art)
- Biology
- Criminal Justice
- Entrepreneurship (Business)
- Professional Writing (English)
Graduates of the program will be equipped with T-shaped knowledge and skillsets, meeting industrial demands for such professionals. Graduates will also be able to pursue graduate studies in computer science. If you are interested in a more intense study of computer science without the interdisciplinary focus of the B.A., please consider our ABET-accredited B.S. degree.
Course Catalog
A complete list of major requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.
Taking Graduate Courses as an Undergraduate
Interested in taking higher-level graduate courses? Under special circumstances, our undergraduate students are allowed to take graduate courses for graduate credit. Learn more on the Graduate-Level Courses page.
Program Requirements
All program requirements and courses are outlined in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog. Rely on it for the most up-to-date information about major requirements.
You will take 24 hours of required courses, including classes like Object-Oriented Programming, Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming, and a senior capstone. You will also take electives at level 300 and above, complete a minor, and take MA: 125 (Calculus I). Course descriptions are available in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Ready to Apply?
All the information you need to apply can be found on UAB's Undergraduate Admissions Hub.
If you have questions, e-mail the program at