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In 2022, a $5 million investment by UAB alumnus J. Frank Barefield, Jr. provided the Department of Criminal Justice with resources to facilitate transformative contributions to both UAB’s Strategic Plan centering on improving communities throughout Alabama and the College of Arts and Sciences’ commitment to meaningful and mutually beneficial collaborations that foster the public good.

The department recognizes that violence is an urgent social problem that continues to compromise the safety and well-being of people and communities throughout Alabama. The J. Frank Barefield, Jr. Department of Criminal Justice is equipped to serve Alabama communities by focusing on the causes, consequences, reduction, and prevention of violence. Alongside the establishment of the J. Frank Barefield, Jr. Endowed Chair in Communities and Crime, the department introduced the new SEED Funding for Alabama Communities during the 2023-2024 academic year. Funds will be designated for use by department faculty for activities consistent with the following overarching objectives:

Graphic representing SEED's objectives

Projects may address a broad classification of violence, which includes violence directed at self and others (e.g., adverse childhood experiences), firearm violence, intimate partner violence, suicide, youth violence, hate crimes, and animal abuse. Applicants should seek to:

  • Support researcher-stakeholder partnerships,
  • Enhance existing research,
  • Engage students with participatory research, and/or
  • Develop programs and practices to reduce violence.

Research, teaching, or service activities with the potential to have a transformative impact on those affected by violence in Alabama communities are eligible for Barefield SEED funding.


The department is pleased to announce recipients for the inaugural SEED Funding for Alabama Communities: