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The criminal justice Honors Program encourages and prepares outstanding criminal justice students to pursue careers in the field ofcriminology and criminal justice by providing an opportunity to conduct independent research with a faculty member. It promotes initiative, creativity, and critical thinking among academically talented students. Under faculty supervision, students will have the opportunity to participate in and complete a research project. The program can accept up to six (6) outstanding students each fall.


Honors ProgramStudents are admitted to the Honors Program based on an evaluation conducted by the Honors Program Coordinator and a committee of faculty members. Students seeking admission to the Honors Program must:

  • Complete an honors application. One may be obtained by contacting Dr. Heith Copes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • Have completed a minimum of 60 hours of course work toward the degree at the time of application (junior or senior in standing).
  • Completion of CJ 300, CJ 302, and CJ 360. May enroll in up to two of these courses the fall semester enrolled in the Honors program.


Joining the Honors Program gives you unique access to faculty and the opportunity to interact with other honors students in an environment that encourages creative and innovative thinking. The research opportunities and seminar participation you will experience in the program can help you in your future career in the field or in applying to graduate programs. Students who complete the program will graduate from UAB “With Honors in Criminal Justice.”


  • Completion of all required courses for the Criminal Justice major
  • Completion of Honors Seminar (CJ 481) during the fall semester
  • Completion of Honors Project (CJ 482) during the spring semester
  • Completion of a research presentation at the annual Honors Research Colloquium at the end of the spring semester

For additional information on the program please contact the CJ Honors Program Director, Heith Copes.