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Students in a classroom.What can you do with a major in criminal justice? You’ll be surprised at the array of options available to you: law enforcement, private security, juvenile justice, probation, parole, corrections, law school, graduate school . . . and that’s just a start. More importantly, the skills that you’ll develop as a result of majoring in criminal justice will serve you regardless of the field you choose.

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The program is designed to teach students how to think critically; communicate effectively— either in writing or verbally; understand, manipulate, and interpret quantitative data; be engaged citizens; and work as a member of a team. These skills are highly valued by employers and constitute some of the core necessities for success in the 21st-century workforce.

How do we know this? We asked recruiters at companies with whom we’ve worked, including Facebook, VISA, the National Institute of Standards (NIST), the FBI, and the National Security Agency (NSA).

Study With Us

The criminal justice program will help you develop the basic skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the field of criminal justice. It will give you:

  • familiarity with the major theoretical explanations for crime/delinquency and the logic and procedures associated with the research process, including statistical inference and hypothesis testing
  • fluency in the substantive, procedural, and operational aspects of the criminal justice system and its processes
  • an appreciation of the ethical foundations of the criminal justice system, its agencies, and personnel

We hope to see you in the classroom next semester!

For more information, please contact Martha Earwood, the Undergraduate Program Coordinator.

Program Requirements

The program leading to the Bachelor of Science with a Major in Criminal Justice offers students broad academic exposure to the fields of criminal justice, criminology, and law while providing opportunities for students to study in areas such as corrections, criminology, forensic science, juvenile justice, law, policing, and computer forensics. The primary mission of the program is to educate students by developing in them the knowledge and basic skills necessary to be successful in the field of criminal justice, including:

  • major theoretical explanations of crime/delinquency
  • the logic and procedures associated with the research process, including understanding statistical inference and hypothesis testing
  • the substantive, procedural, and operational aspects of the criminal justice system and its processes
  • the ethical foundations for the system

Course Catalog

A complete list of program requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study for criminal justice majors are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.

Available On-Campus and 100% Online

Students pursuing a major in criminal justice have the opportunity to take courses online, in the classroom, or a blend of each.

If you do not live in the Birmingham area or have a work schedule that does not permit you to take on-campus classes, you can complete your degree completely online. Online courses appear on your transcript the same as campus-based courses and have the same level of excellence as our on-campus courses.

Often, students want to take courses in the classroom but may need the flexibility of an online class. No problem! You can blend online and on-campus classes within a semester or choose one format or the other for a given semester. In our program, you'll have the flexibility you need to complete your degree.

All online course content is accessed through UAB’s learning management system, Canvas, which includes a variety of tools to make the course experience more engaging. Some of the tools used within online courses include virtual classroom lectures, multimedia, chat, and discussion boards. You can learn more about online programs and courses on the UAB Online website. Also, learn more about our Accelerated Learning Opportunities.

Ready to Apply?

All the information you need to apply can be found on UAB's Undergraduate Admissions website.







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Major Information

If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

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