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Undergraduate Programs

Criminal Justice undergraduatesThe J. Frank Barefield, Jr. Department of Criminal Justice offers undergraduate degrees in:

The department also offers minors in:

For those majoring in Digital Forensics, a minor in Criminal Justice is also an option.

Launch Your Career

The criminal justice program at UAB is one of the oldest in the U.S. With a long-standing tradition of excellent faculty and outstanding graduates, students who complete the program have gone on to work in prestigious positions in many different fields within the justice system, social service fields, and in careers not related to justice. Whatever your desired field, UAB's criminal justice program will give you the skills you need to succeed.

The digital forensics program is tailored to students looking to work in the exciting and lucrative field of computer forensics and security. The program's hands-on approach prepares our students to begin making contributions to the field immediately following graduation. The program also puts students on the path to pursue a Master of Science in Cyber Security.

Learn in the Classroom and the Field

All students in our undergraduate programs will be required to do an internship before they graduate. This requirement gives our students unprecedented access to network with those already working in the field, the chance to acquire valuable experience; and the opportunity to gain plenty of hands-on learning in both the classroom and in the field.

We invite you to explore our programs and find the right one for you!

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Major Information

If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

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