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DWLL Required Graduation Form

This exit graduation survey is meant for students completing a WLL major, Spanish for Specific Purposes Certificate, or both, who are intending to graduate within the next two semesters. Survey answers will not affect final grades in any way. We appreciate honest responses. If a form field does not apply to you, please put n/a.
Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter your email address.
Please enter your student ID number.
Please enter your semester of graduation from UAB.

**All of the information submitted below will be confidential.

What was your first semester as an officially declared WLL major?
Please enter your major/concentration.
Please enter any other major and/or minor.
Were you in honors track?
What is your native language(s).
What is your country of Origin.
Tell us your after-graduation plans.
General Questions
What were your motivations for starting to study a world language at UAB?
What were your motivations to continue studying a world language in this department?
What suggestions do you have for the improvement of the UAB world languages program?
Study Abroad
What were the main factors that influenced your choice/ability to study abroad or not?
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Answer the following questions with a number from 1 – 5, 1 being “poor” and 5 being “excellent.” Or select “n/a” if the question is not relevant to you.

Global Questions

How would you rank your comfort level in using your target language in informal, everyday-life contexts?
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How would you rank your comfort level in applying your world language skills in a professional setting?
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How would you rate the cultural events affiliated with the department?
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How would you rank the technological resources made available to you?
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If you have visited it, how would you rate the quality of the departmental website?
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If you participated in the Spanish for Specific Purposes Certificate Program, how would you rank your experience?
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If you participated in the world languages Honors designation, how would you rank your experience?
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If you participated in a course with a service-learning component, how would you rank the extent to which you benefited from your participation?
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If you participated in the World Languages Internship experience, how would you rank it?
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If you participated in study abroad, how would you rate your study abroad experience?
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How would you rate study abroad options as a component of your degree?
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If you took any online courses in this department, how would you rate your experience?
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How would you rank the advising you have received within this department?
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How would you rate the quality of the interaction between students and world languages faculty?
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If there were a Master’s program in world languages in our department, how would you rank your interest in continuing your studies here?
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How much did the world languages program leave you with the desire to continue your language studies?
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How would you rank UAB’s world languages program to prospective students?
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Language Specific Questions
How would you rate the speaking component of your language program?
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How would you rate the reading component of your language program?
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How would you rate the writing component of your language program?
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How would you rate the listening component of your language program?
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How would you rate the culture component of your language program?
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How would you rate the literary component of your language program?
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