Explore UAB

c r icon sqWe are pleased to offer expert consultations and research advising to guide investigators through the complexities of dissemination and implementation.

  • DIISC Shared Core | The Dissemination, Implementation, and Improvement Science Core (DIISC) offers expert consultation to streamline your proposal by guiding you through selecting the right implementation aims, frameworks, methodological designs, measures, analytic strategies, quality improvement, community engagement, and program evaluation.
  • SDoH Core | The Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Core empowers UAB investigators to evaluate how social and environmental factors influence the onset, development, management, and outcomes of diseases. It also promotes the development of interventions that mitigate these factors. By combining integrated data, methodologies, and expertise from various fields such as social science, spatial and environmental science, clinical and translational science, genomics, informatics, and epidemiology, we pave the way for pioneering investigations into the genome-sociome-exposome pathways linked to health and disease.
  • Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research Core | The MMR-CBPR-QR Approaches Core empowers investigators by integrating mixed methods, community-based participatory, and qualitative research to secure funding, advance scholarship, and promote healthcare for all through community-engaged inquiry.

Discipline Specific
  • CFAR ICS Core | The Implementation and Community Sciences Core (ICS) Core combines implementation, community, and big data science to accelerate data-driven research aligned with NIH priorities and the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative.
  • CFAR IS Hub | The Implementation Science (IS) Hub, supported by CFAR supplements, assists investigators nationwide receiving NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) funding. Services include coaching, consultations, virtual seminars on implementation science, and networking. 
  • CEDHARS Community Engagement Core | The Center for Engagement in Disability Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (CEDHARS) is an interdisciplinary center whose core mission is the engagement of people with disabilities in every area of research on the UAB campus.
  • UAB Department of Medicine Implementation Science Research Program | This program is dedicated to guiding researchers and practitioners through the complexities of Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) science. They offer specialized consultations designed to help you bridge the gap between research and practice, ensuring that your evidence-based interventions reach the people who need them most.