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Kat Chudy

About Kat Chudy

Kat Chudy is from Tallahassee, Florida. They have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Hemochromatosis, Degenerative Disc Disorder and Endometriosis. In their words:

I have several tattoos. The one on my left wrist is an endless knot symbolizing Samsara, the endless cycle of suffering of birth, death and rebirth. It reminds me of the impermanence of life, the dualistic interplay of forces that manifest reality, and the contradictions that are in fact parts of the same infinite whole. It is an easily visible reminder of the things that keep me grounded and the values I hold. It is something for me to hold on to when the world goes topsy turvy, and everything changes again.

Do you feel empowered by your tattoos? Yes. I got it after a particularly difficult group trip with FSU to New Orleans. Disability had not been considered at all, and I had to drag my suitcase several blocks with a cane to get to the hostel.

I was still determined to try to have a good time, and I did once I went off alone. I got the tattoo on the last day I was there - one extra than the group - to remind me of the impermanent nature of the world and myself.

It's a reminder to not let things get to me too badly, and not to take myself so seriously. Everything changes, and that includes my mood and how I can take control of a crappy situation.

Final quote - in regards to Indelibel exhibit: The marks that cannot be removed - the invisible emotional impressions left on us - are often the ones that change us the most.

Learn more by visiting Kat Chudy's website www.katherinechudyart.com opens a new website and their YouTube page opens a new website.