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For UAB School of Dentistry, 2024 was a year of working together to advance oral health and plan for the future. Here are some highlights of activities and events reflected in photos. Enjoy the pictures, then scroll to the bottom to view more pictures in our Year in Review video. 

SOD Welcomes New IDP Class

January 3: The School of Dentistry welcomed 24 internationally trained dentists into the International Dentist Program. Representing dental schools from 18 different countries, the group averages 3.6 years of private practice experience. The class embodies global diversity, with 1 student having attended dental school in Africa, 6 students from dental schools in the Americas, 4 from Eastern Europe, 8 from the Far East, and 5 from the Middle East.

UAB SOD Alumni Weekend

February 1-4: Held the first weekend in February at the Hyatt-Wynfrey, the school’s annual Alumni Weekend is one of the largest dental meetings in the state.

UAB Dentistry Dothan Grand Opening

February 26: UAB School of Dentistry holds a ribbon-cutting for its new clinic. UAB Dentistry Dothan is a first-of-its-kind satellite dentistry clinic designed to recruit, educate, train and retain dentists to help improve the dental health of those living in Alabama’s Wiregrass region.

19th Scholars Symposium

February 29:  The school’s annual Scholar’s Symposium showcases oral health research completed by students – dental and graduate students, residents, postdoctoral fellows, and college students – during their enrollment at UAB. The 19th symposium featured prominent oral & maxillofacial surgeons and showcased record-setting student research presentations.

SOD Celebrates Employees at EXCEL

March 20: The UAB Service Awards recognition program honors employees for their commitment to the university and its continuing success. In 2023, UAB had 1,209 employees eligible for service award recognition — including 28 in the School of Dentistry with a combined 450 years of service. Two SOD employees celebrated their 35-year milestones. Service awardees, as well as recently named endowed professors and chairs, were celebrated during the school’s March EXCEL program.

D1 Welcome Day

April 19: April 19 was a big day for the School of Dentistry Class of 2028 – D1 Welcome Day – the day matriculating dental students take their first steps into a journey that will shape their futures.

Honors Convocation Returns

May 30: A long-standing SOD tradition paused during the pandemic, SOD Honors Convocation returned in 2024. Honors Convocation is a special event for faculty, staff and students to celebrate the accomplishments of students who have demonstrated outstanding performance in their studies, patient care, leadership and service.

DMD Commencement Ceremony

June 1: More than 80 UAB School of Dentistry graduates stepped into the world on June 1 with three new letters behind their names – D.M.D. – and diplomas in hand as symbols of knowledge, dedication, and readiness to take the next steps.

Dental Assisting Program Graduation

July 18 and December 6: The school celebrated the graduation of its spring and winter classes of dental assistants. Housed within Alabama’s dental school, the UAB’s Dental Assisting Program helps position graduates for careers in oral healthcare.

D3 Family Day and White Coat Ceremony

August 9:  Family Day is a chance for third year dental students to bring their families to the school to tour clinics and laboratories, socialize with other families, and experience student life at the SOD. The day’s festivities concluded with the annual D3 White Coat Ceremony at the Alys Stephens Center.

Dental Hygiene Symposium & Hinman Lecture

August 16-17: UAB’s annual Dental Hygiene Symposium and Hinman Lectures is jam packed in more ways than one. Each year the event brings more than 1200 people, making it one of the largest hybrid dental meetings in Alabama.

UAB Partners with TeamSmile

September 13: Bartow Arena was bustling with volunteers who provided much-needed relief to children in Blount County facing excessive tooth decay when UAB partnered with TeamSmile for a day of  free dental care and education to underserved children. 

Japan Exchange Program

October 16-25: Each year, the UAB School of Dentistry hosts dental students from Japan as part of an active student exchange program. UAB pairs 10 of its D4 students with 10 students from Asahi and Meikai universities in Japan for an unforgettable experience. Going back to its founding dean, the SOD has an extensive history of such international partnerships. These include student exchange programs with Taiwan, Thailand and France, among others.

SOD Celebrates UAB Homecoming

October 27-November 2: From the Gurney Derby and a Homecoming Carnival to a Blaze the Night Block Party and Homecoming Game, UAB packs its annual Homecoming week full of fun for students and employees alike. A highlight of the week, the SOD D1 Class showed their spirit by participating in UAB NAS’s second annual Blazer Build It Competition, winning the “Best Use of Homecoming Theme” award. The SOD added a few of our own activities to celebrate the week and enhance Blazer spirit among dental students, residents, and employees, including a Door Decorating Contest, Halloween Costume Contest, and a Homecoming Lunch for students.

Ugly Sweater Contest

December 6: The SOD’s annual Ugly Sweater Contest is something everyone -- faculty, staff, and students -- looks forward to each year!