Explore UAB


Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Director asullivan@uab.edu
Hoehn Room 311

Research and Teaching Interests: Transportation, traffic control systems, transportation system performance monitoring, emerging technologies

Office Hours: Walk-in advising Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Please email directly to make an appointment for another time.


  • BSCE, University of Pennsylvania
  • MSCE, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Andrew Sullivan has worked in the transportation engineering field for 30 years, both in academia and in the private sector. He specializes in traffic control systems, geometric design of roadways, transportation simulation, and congestion monitoring. He developed the Traffic Signal Design Manual for the Alabama DOT, which is used as their standard for traffic control systems design, and is working with the University of Alabama to develop a similar manual related to traffic simulation practices. He currently heads the Birmingham Regional Transportation Data Center, a joint partnership with the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham, which monitors congestion and the performance of the Birmingham regional transportation system. He is a registered professional engineer and provides consulting services to industry.

Sullivan serves as the primary academic advisor for Civil Engineering undergraduates. Student may use the UAB Appointment Manager to make an advising appointment. He also regularly teaches CE 499: Senior Design Capstone Course.