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Mechanical Engineering students performing an experiment.

Are you an engineer with wide-ranging interests? Are you interested in collaborating with engineers and scientists from other disciplines? If so, the UAB Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering offers Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) program that may be just what you're looking for to enhance your academic or professional engineering credentials.

Mechanical engineering is a broad-based discipline, and graduate students will have opportunities to explore a number of research areas where they will work alongside nationally and internationally known faculty mentors.

The department offers both thesis and non-thesis options in the MSME program.

For more information on admission requirements and programs of study, please visit the UAB Graduate Catalog.

Additionally, the ME faculty are active in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program. Visit the UAB Graduate Catalog for more information on this program.

For more information on all of our graduate programs, please contact the Graduate Program Director or call (205) 934-8460.

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