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Graduate Biomedical Sciences at UAB — The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Innovation in  Modern Biomedicine


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BSB Theme Curriculum

The first year curriculum consists of a set of GBS core classes, BSB module classes, and lab rotations. By the second year, there are a limited number of curriculum requirements, with most being determined by the student, mentor, and thesis committee.

Year One

During the fall, you will take a core curriculum covering biochemistry and metabolism, genetics and molecular biology, and biological organization, as well as any remedial work recommended by the BSB Curriculum Committee. 

Starting in January through April, you will take four course modules. We recommend four BSB modules; however, you can choose from an assortment of other modules taught by other themes. 

Year Two and Beyond 

You must complete three advanced courses in areas relevant to your area of interest. We encourage you to take these courses as early as possible in order to achieve the most benefit in your training. You must also enroll in a journal club each semester related to your specific area of interest. JC participation enchances your ability to critically read the literature and to stay abreast of current findings.

By year three, you will have formed a dissertation committee whose expertise will be beneficial in helping direct your research and course of study. This committee conducts the qualifying examination (QE) that assesses your general knowledge, ability to read the literature, and ability to formulate and defend testable hypotheses. The examination involves a written proposal and oral defense of the proposal. After passing the QE, you will continue research under the guidance of your mentor and dissertation committee. The PhD is awarded upon completion of the academic requirements and defense of the dissertation.