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Staff Directory

Laurie E. Harrington, Ph.D.

Laurie E. Harrington, Ph.D.

Interim Associate Dean, Graduate Biomedical Sciences

Professor, Cell, Developmental & Integrative Biology

Phone: (205) 996-9795
Email: lharring@uab.edu

Olivia Barnes

Olivia Barnes

GBS Program Manager II

Phone: (205) 934-7034
Email: ochood@uab.edu

  • Manage and update GBS program policies, procedures, and regulations
  • Serve as office manager and supervise staff to optimize tasks and facilitate daily operations
  • Manage student progress across GBS themes
  • Administer comprehensive database of students
  • Serve as GBS curriculum manager
  • Collaborate with UAB Alumni Affairs to track outcomes and career paths for GBS graduates
Jacob Nance

Jacob Nance

Program Director I - Graduate School Dean's Office

Phone: (205) 934-3857
Email: jnance@uab.edu

  • HR and Finance
  • Process and approve payments, reconcile accounts and Pcard transactions
  • Manage trainee tuition and stipend payments
  • Manage operations for the UAB PREP Scholars Program
  • Maintain GBS and PREP Scholars Program website content
  • Data management of student records
  • Student on- and off-boarding
  • All other HR and Finance duties for the program
Sarah Freeman

Sarah Freeman

Communications and Events Specialist

Phone: (205) 934-1372
Email: smf1996@uab.edu

  • Oversees GBS Student Admissions and Recruitment Processes
  • Manages Marketing and Communication for the Program
  • Write, edit, and maintain content for GBS communication outlets
  • Oversees all GBS Events with the support of GBS Staff
  • Manages GBS Social Media Accounts
  • Manages GBS website
Sam Dillon

Sam Dillon

Program Administrator II

Phone: (205) 934-7810
Email: samdlln1@uab.edu

  • Manage student progress through lab rotations, committee formation and meetings, and mentor selection.
  • Theme meeting support
  • Oversee the dissertation and defense process for graduating students
  • Serve as GBSO support liaison


GBS Program Manager I - Finance and HR

Phone: TBA
Email: TBA

  • Manage HR and financial operations for the GBS program
  • organize and enter trainee tuition payments
  • Monitor GBS theme accounrs and approve expenditures
  • reconcile P-card transactions