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Genetics, Genomics, & Bioinformatics Theme (GGB)

Research Areas: Molecular Genetics, Computational Biosciences, Human Genetics, Epigenetics, Informatics

Genetics, Genomics, & Bioinformatics (GGB) is one of eight interdisciplinary PhD themes within Graduate Biomedical Sciences (GBS).  Students select a theme upon application but have access to faculty and courses from across GBS, allowing for flexibility in both research and academics.

The GGB theme provides flexible, didactic, and integrated training opportunities across the broad disciplines of genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics. Our goal is to prepare students for independent research careers in experimental and computational disciplines, or the combination of those in academic research institutions and industry. To support this broad subject, the academic departments at UAB offer a large pool of mentors with expertise in varied research areas. The research interests of our mentors and students span the fields of genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, cancer biology, biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, and neuroscience. In addition, we teamed up with the UAB Informatics Institute and HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology to accommodate training in their specific areas.


GGB training incorporates hands-on experience in state-of-the-art molecular techniques to study gene structure, expression, and function in diverse experimental systems. These include but are not limited to cellular organelles, cells, and tissues from a variety of model organisms such as mice, Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans, zebrafish, and human samples. The theme fosters collaborations during the Ph.D. training period between graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty, while encouraging participation in the community of biological scientists at UAB and Hudson Alpha Institute of Biotechnology. 

See here for GGB theme requirements.

Why should you join the GGB Theme at UAB?

Our theme directors and mentors offer day-to-day, personal interactions between students and faculty, both in the classroom and in experimental settings. Our faculty are not only leaders in their fields, but outstanding mentors as well. Research conducted by our students and faculty lead to identification of human disorders, their causes, and pathomechanisms. The results of these studies support the development of novel treatment options for human diseases and create new technologies for research and medicine. Our students have a vibrant student community, GBSO, that supports not only collaborations between students and faculty, but recreational activities as well.

Where will this degree take you?

Our former students are leaders in academic research, industry, medicine, or professors in higher education institutions nationwide. We also prepare students for careers such as science education, policy, and writing. Learn where GBS graduates are now.


GGB Theme Contacts

Theme Director

Theme Director

Dr. Elizabeth Worthey
(205) 638-9285

Theme Director

Theme Director

Dr. Deeann Wallis
(205) 996.2175