Pathobiology, Pharmacology, & Physiology Theme (P3)
Research Areas- Disease Mechanism, Experimental Therapeutics, Metabolism, Molecular Medicine, Drug Discover, Physiology, Drug Metabolism, Pathogenesis
Pathobiology, Pharmacology, & Physiology (P3) is one of eight interdisciplinary PhD themes within Graduate Biomedical Sciences (GBS). Students select a theme upon application but have access to faculty and courses from across GBS, allowing for flexibility in both research and academics.
P3 provides our graduate students the broadest training within the emerging and exciting field of molecular medicine. We have a flexible, didactic, integrated educational program directed by faculty with diverse research interests ranging from molecules to whole organisms and disease processes to new therapies.
The P3 theme directors, faculty, and mentors offer personal, day-to-day interactions with our students. In addition to the GBS core curriculum, P3 students are trained in a broad array of interdisciplinary subjects related to pathobiology and molecular basis of human diseases, taught by faculty who are experts in the research field. Our students also have hands-on experience during laboratory rotations to explore and identify their research interests.
See here for P3 theme requirements.
Why should you join the P3 Theme at UAB?
Our goal is to provide you with multidisciplinary training opportunities that foster your research and career development. Our students have full access to all 350+ GBS faculty, of which 130 are directly affiliated with the P3 Theme and represent various schools, departments, and research centers within UAB. We also partner with outside groups such as Southern Research and HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. P3 students can participate in GBSO, a vibrant and energetic student community that not only enriches the graduate school experience but also promotes leadership and network opportunities that enhance career development.
Where will this degree take you?
Our students are successful in publishing their research and receive fellowship and other prestigious awards during their training. P3 alumni are highly accomplished, with diverse careers in academic, industrial, and medical research and education worldwide. Learn where GBS graduates are now.
P3 Theme Contacts

Theme Director
Dr. Robert van Waardenburg
(205) 934-4572

Theme Co-Director
Dr. Selvarangan Ponnazhagan
(205) 934-6731