TeleHealth services are now available to UAB, UAB Medicine, VIVA, Homewood City Schools, i3 Academy Charter School and Tarrant City Schools employees and members of their immediate household. Please complete intake paperwork for services and read our TeleHealth Informed Consent for more information.
TeleHealth Counseling Resources
- Suggested Privacy Measures
- EACC Counseling Intake Forms
- For UAB Medicine Employees: A Confidential Space for Telehealth Services
TeleHealth Counseling FAQs
Select a question below to learn more...
What is TeleHealth counseling?
TeleHealth counseling includes the practice of providing clinical counseling services through interactive audio and video or telephone communications. TeleHealth counseling is available at the EACC via a HIPAA-compliant Zoom platform.
Can I receive TeleHealth counseling if I am in another state?
Currently, due to state licensing board requirements, access to counseling via TeleHealth will only be available to people who are in Alabama at the time of their appointment. If you are out of state during your appointment time, please call 205-934-2281 to reschedule.
How do I start TeleHealth counseling?
If you are a new client, please complete the intake paperwork and a member of our team will call you within two business days to schedule an appointment for a telephone intake. If you are a current client, please call 205-934-2281 to schedule an appointment with your counselor and indicate you would like TeleHealth as the appointment type.
How will I get the Zoom link?
Your counselor will send you an encrypted email with the HIPAA-compliant Zoom link. For all non-uabmc email accounts, the email will indicate you have a secure message and prompt you to create a login, password, and security question to access the information. Securely save your login and password as you will need to login each time you open an encrypted email. If you forget your password or have other trouble opening the email, please contact HSIS at 205-934-8888 for assistance.
Can I do TeleHealth counseling for couple or family counseling?
Yes, in most circumstances you can do couples or family counseling via telemental health. Young children may find TeleHealth a challenge and may be better suited for in-person therapy; please talk with your counselor about family counseling with young children via TeleHealth. The EACC requires that all people participating in counseling are in the same physical location within state lines during TeleHealth appointments.
What are the potential benefits of TeleHealth counseling?
- Convenience: TeleHealth appointments don’t require traveling and often mean less time off work.
- Fewer Barriers:For those who may have been hesitant to look for mental health care in the past, TeleHealth services might be an easier first step than traditional mental health services.
- Advances in technology: As TeleHealth services have increased, providers have become more familiar with evolving videoconferencing technology, making scheduling and attending these appointments easier for all.
What are the potential drawbacks of TeleHealth counseling?
- Access to technology: Services may be limited by lack of internet connection and devices.
- Quality issues: Varying levels of technological quality can affect how services are provided and received. It can be frustrating if the video freezes or audio cuts in and out during your appointment.
- Privacy: Cameras in users’ homes and virtual online platforms pose privacy considerations. Individuals also might be more hesitant to share sensitive personal information with a counselor in a situation where others might hear. For tips to help manage privacy concerns, view the EACC's Suggested Privacy Measures.
- Crisis: TeleHealth may not be appropriate if you are having suicidal or homicidal thoughts, acute psychosis, or other emotional crisis.
What do I do if I am in crisis?
Clients experiencing a mental health emergency or crisis should go to the UAB Emergency Department (ED), the UAB Highlands ED, or the nearest ED for immediate assistance. You may also access these emergency resources.
- Birmingham Crisis Center: 205-323-7777
- 24hr Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
- 24hr National Hopeline Network: 1-800-784-2433
- Crisis Text Line: Text “UAB” to 741741
- Alabama Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-650-6522