As a supervisor, it is your role to help welcome your new employee to UAB. UAB Human Resources will take care of enrolling full-time regular (01 status) and part-time regular (03 status) staff to the UAB Orientation and Onboarding Path that includes instructions on how to complete their pre-hire and onboarding task, complete the orientation eLearning course and attend the wrap-up Zoom meeting.

Review the basic process below to better support your new employee.

  • Step 1. Pre-Hire Tasks in UAB Career Site (Taleo)
    Step 1. Pre-Hire Tasks in UAB Career Site (Taleo)

    Talent Acquisitions initiate the first part of the Onboarding & Orientation Path through Taleo (UAB’s Career Job site). The new employee will be assigned Pre-Hire tasks through the system once they are placed in the Hire status. Talent Acquisitions will work closely with the department to make sure the following tasks are completed:

    • Sending the hire letter that includes Taleo log-in instructions.
    • Completion of sections 1 and 2 of the I-9
    • Initiation and completion of the ACT hire document
    • Finalizing BlazerID and strong password
  • Step 2. Onboarding Task List
    Step 2. Onboarding Task List

    Learning and Development initiates the second part of the Onboarding and orientation Path by enrolling the employee in a Learning path that includes the remainder of the Onboarding path.

    Note: This step can only be completed if the ACT document has been completed successfully and the employee has an active BlazerID.

    In this step, the employee will log into the campus LMS and view the Onboarding Task list course. This course shows detailed information on the 5 tasks that need to be completed and by when.

    These include filling out employee and financial forms in Oracle, getting their ONE card, deciding transportation (parking) options, enrolling in benefits, & completing required trainings. See more details these tasks on the Your First Days and Beyond.

    TIP: You are encouraged to prepare or complete any of these steps on their behalf, such as filling out the ONE Card form and arranging parking.
  • Step 3. Discover UAB eLearning Course
    Step 3. Discover UAB eLearning Course

    In this step, the employee logs in to the Campus LMS and selects the Discover UAB course. This self-paced eLearning course contains information about the university's structure, vision, mission, values, compensation, benefits, staying connected, and more. It can be paused and resumed as needed.

  • Step 4. Discover UAB Wrap-up Zoom Meeting
    Step 4. Discover UAB Wrap-up Zoom Meeting

    Learning and Development schedules the final step, which includes the employee attending a Zoom meeting designed to wrap up the orientation and onboarding experience by summarizing everything, interacting with some fun activities, and offering time to ask questions related to any of the onboarding steps, orientation materials, or benefits.

    See more information on Discover UAB and the Wrap-up Zoom Meeting.
  • Resources for Managers
    Resources for Managers
    The Hiring Manager’s role in the onboarding process is to ensure that their employees are able to complete all the necessary pre-hire and onboarding tasks and lead the transition of employees into their new roles. Use the resources below to ensure a smooth start for new employees.

    • Manager's Guide to Onboarding New Employees
    • This guide details the roles, responsibilities, and best practices for managers during your new employee's first year at UAB. This guide includes a timeline of the four-phase onboarding process, a manager's checklist, links to online resources, and more.
    • Auto-ACT Process
    • See what happens when you mark new employees as Hired in Taleo and the steps and communication throughout.
    • UAB Manager Toolkit
    • See other relevant information to managing employees at UAB such as recruiting, onboarding, developing, and more.

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