As the Director of the 1917 Clinic, I am proud to lead a highly qualified, multidisciplinary team of dedicated health care professionals who selflessly serve to restore and maintain the health of people with HIV. We remain dedicated to meeting the health care needs of patients from all walks of life, representative of every sociodemographic background, race, age, gender, religion and sexual orientation.
Working collectively for more than 30 years, the dedicated members of this team have positively impacted the lives of more than 6,000 patients and their families.
I encourage anyone in need of our services to enroll in care today. We have an incredible team waiting to take the very best care of you.
Christa Nevin, MD, MSPH
Director, 1917 HIV/AIDS Outpatient ClinicThe University of Alabama at Birmingham
DEW Suite #2160 | 3220 5th Ave S | Birmingham, AL 35222