Explore UAB

The UAB Women’s Health Track (WHT) was established in 1999 by Co-Founders, Drs. Teresa Bryan and Emily Boohaker for residents who have a strong interest in providing services that are unique to women in the Primary Care setting.

Our Mission

The UAB WHT mission is to equip resident physicians to provide Women’s Health Care in the ambulatory setting through clinical experiences, structured curricula and robust mentorship.

What can residents expect?


The Women's Health Track at UAB is a post-match option for interested residents. Residents will not officially join the track until their second year. Interns interested in the Women's Heath Track will be invited to participate in mentoring activities during their first year. Space is limited in the VA Women's Clinic experience that begins during the R2 year. In the event of more interest than there is space available, there will be a selection process that occurs during the second half of the intern year to award full membership in the track.

Please contact faculty and residents listed below for more information. Applicants who are selected for interview are encouraged to notify the residency program that they are considering the Women’s Health Track. We will make every attempt for those residents to interview with Women’s Health faculty and meet with the residents.


Brittany Payne, M.D.
Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine

Other Key Faculty

Meghan Black, M.D.
Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine
BVAMC Red Clinic Director

Emily Boohaker, M.D.
Professor, General Internal Medicine
Associate Chief Medical Officer, Quality and Patient Safety

Teresa Bryan, M.D.
Professor, General Internal Medicine
Former VA Deputy Associate Chief of Staff

Erin Contratto, M.D.
Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine

Erin Snyder, M.D.
Interim Division Director and Professor, General Internal Medicine
Physician Director for Ambulatory Care

Starr Steinhilber, M.D., MPH
Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine
Associate Program Director, Tinsley Harrison Internal Medicine Residency Program