Baptist Hospital Mutengene - Cameroon, Africa
Baptist Hospital Mutengene is one of 7 hospitals run by Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS). The CBCHS is a major health services organization in Cameroon with over 80 health centers and 7 major hospital facilities serving communities in 6 of the 10 administrative regions in Cameroon. CBCHS has been providing quality healthcare services in Cameroon for over 70 years. Since inception, CBCHS has made extraordinary contributions to the health of Cameroonians using a clinical care and public health approach. CBCHS has an outstanding track record providing national leadership for the implementation of multiple health programs involving international partnerships. These programs include:
the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases (including HIV, malaria, and hepatitis B),
women’s health services (including cervical cancer prevention and family planning),
and an oncology program (with focus on treating Burkitt’s Lymphoma and Retinoblastoma).
CBCHS is a primary local partner of the Cameroon Health Initiative at UAB (CHI UAB) with an in-country CHI UAB program coordinator and a CHI UAB research assistant on-site at each major facility.
Past Participants
Joanna Hubickey – Class of 2018
W. Logan Riley – Class of 2018
"I had heard the term 'global service learning,' but I really wasn’t sure what it meant. I definitely knew I would be helping people in a resource-poor environment, but I didn’t have a clue how much I would bring back from a place that many people think has so little."