Hospital de Alta Complejidad – Trujillo, Peru
Opened in mid-2015, Hospital de Alta Complejidad (Hospital of Complexity) is a large teaching hospital, and the most modern in Northern Peru. The hospital is the principal facility of Es Salud, the state health care system taking care of those with government backed health insurance. As its name suggests, this hospital, with 320 beds, deals with the most complex of cases and patients must be referred here from other local hospitals. Most specialties and subspecialties of medicine are covered and the hospital is equipped with the latest technology.
The elective included rotations at the hospital, Spanish courses, and participation in community health campaigns.
Past Participants
Alexandra (Allie) Khodadadi – Class of 2020
“One of the most rewarding experiences of the month was participation in a weekly ‘health campaign’ which provided free healthcare consultations to the community. These campaigns reemphasized a skill that has been stressed throughout my medical school experience: the importance of the patient-physician relationship.”
David Osula – Class of 2019
“Our health campaigns were one of my most beneficial and most cherished experiences in Peru, and they serve as a great example of what I was able to learn about medicine, language, and culture while there. At the same time, they are only a small part of what was a much bigger, challenging, fulfilling, and life-changing experience.”
Universidad Peruana, Cayetano Heredia – Lima, Peru
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia is a leading institution of higher education in the training of professionals in the sciences of health, life and education. For over 50 years, its graduates contribute to the social and economic development of the country from various professional fields. Research and innovation are fundamental axes of the educational offer of the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, being the Peruvian institution that presents better indicators in research and international networks.
The elective included rotations at the Hospital Rebagliati; one of two hospitals in Peru that currently serves more than 1,707,000 insured, has 93 medical specialties and 1,600 beds.
Past Participants
Carter Boyd – Class of 2020
“Expanding my medical horizons to an international stage has provided me with a more complete perspective of healthcare and helped reinvigorate my passion of caring for the underserved. I will be a better physician because of this experience.”
Zach Gentry – Class of 2020
“As a future physician, this experience had a drastic impact on how I will practice medicine in the future. Being a non-native Spanish speaker in a Spanish speaking country showed me just how difficult it is for patients in the United States who do not speak English.”
Andrew Prince – Class of 2018
"It was a medical educationally rewarding experience seeing a new spectrum of pathologies."