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The CPSC is dedicated to educating others about Palliative Care. Below you will find resources for your benefit.


The BEACON Project

"Best practices for End of life care And Comfort care Order sets for our Nation’s veterans."

Comfort Care Order Set (CCOS) has been developed to improve the processes of care for veterans at end-of-life or dying both in the acute care wards and CLCs (nursing homes) of VA Medical Centers. Care of the dying in inpatient settings is an important aspect of improving care in the hospital in general and improving care for hospice and palliative care patients at life’s end. Learn more.



Meet My Loved One ©

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the current restricted visitation policies, our expert team has created a form to be utilized by families in an effort to improve the communication with the healthcare team about their loved ones.

Request permission to use this tool.

The North Mississippi Medical Center created their own version of this tool, view it here.

Read the article in the Department of Medicine news here.



UAB Advanced Training Communication Guide

This is a pocket guide adaptation of the VITALtalk COVID Ready Communication Playbook, formatted to walk through a patient's clinical course from home to hospitalization to intensive care. It includes a new talking map (TIME) for discussing time-limited trials in the ICU setting.

Download here.



Palliative Symptom Management Tip Sheet for Providers

The attached tools were developed by members of the UAB Clinical team prior to the COVID- 19 pandemic and have now been modified. These are meant to provide guidance to providers wishing to give patients and caregivers specific instructions around symptom management at time of discharge, or at a clinic encounter. An additional spreadsheet of commonly used medications produced by the Center to Advance Palliative Care is also included. These are available as downloadable copies and through electronic medical record mechanisms at discharge for providers in any specialty to utilize.

Download Tip Sheet

Download Medication Chart



Additional External Resources

The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) has pulled together a toolkit of resources for COVID-19 responses.