Explore UAB

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    Thank you for expressing interest in visiting the UAB Department of Pathology. Please fill out this form to give us a better understanding of your interests so that we can better assist you.

  • Physician Scientist Development Office

    To support and enhance the training of UAB Clinician Scientists as they develop their careers as future leaders of academic medicine, the UAB Heersink School of Medicine (SOM) has established the Physician Scientist Development Office (PSDO).

    Learn more here.

  • RaCE4Path

    Want to get more experience in pathology research, but find it difficult as an undergraduate? Learn more about RaCE4Path-UG here. 

    Learn more about the RaCE4Path Medical Student Summer Research program and how to apply here.


    The UAB Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR) Program, funded by an NIH NIAID R38 award, supports mentored research and career development activities for residents from UAB’s Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Pathology, Surgery, and OB/GYN Residency Programs. Each year, up to 4 residents from those residency programs will be selected for UAB StARR based on their StARR application merits and will complete a 12-month program that includes: 1) research mentored by a UAB-affiliated faculty preceptor with an excellent mentoring track record and funding, and 2) career development activities leading to core competencies in research methodology, responsible conduct of research, communication of findings, scientific writing, and team science. One or more aspects of the research must align with the NIAID mission, which includes research involving infection, immunology, and/or allergy. The ultimate goal of UAB StARR is to develop a group of highly motivated, well-trained, early-career physician-scientists who are prepared for a successful transition towards a career as an independent physician-scientist that includes research that supports the NIH NIAID mission.

    Learn more here.

  • Medical School Visiting Elective

    Actively enrolled students are eligible to take away electives during their MS4 year. Away electives — also called visiting electives — are short-term courses typically offered at teaching hospitals that are either a AAMC-member institution or have at least one Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or American Osteopathic Association (AOA)-accredited program. An away elective may count for up to four weeks of elective credit toward graduation requirements.

    Learn more here.

  • International Visiting Medical Students

    Learn more here if you are an international visiting medical student who wishes to take a non-credit clinical elective at any of the campuses of UAB.