Haley Herfurth

Haley Herfurth

| haleyh1@uab.edu

50thShieldONLY COLORWhat’s green and white and 50 all over? UAB’s new 1969 Chevy K5 Blazer, rolled out for the first time at Blazer Village Saturday.

During the past year, 11 faculty from varied disciplines developed ideas for service-learning to promote active and ethical citizenship, social responsibility and engagement.

The 2019 report, available at uab.edu/police or in a downloadable PDF, follows the guidelines mandated by the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Police and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

Sandra Cooper, environmental services specialist, is UAB’s Employee of the Year. Cooper was chosen from the Employee of the Month award-winners during a 13-month period ending in August 2019.

Barbara Gower, professor and vice chair for Research in the Department of Nutrition Sciences, is the winner of the 2019 Sam Brown Bridge Builder Award for her interdisciplinary, collaborative efforts across campus.

Monica Baskin, professor of preventive medicine, is the winner of the 2019 Odessa Woolfolk Community Service Award for her work to influence change in the field of health disparities action and research.

Edward Hook, Virginia Wadley Bradley and Mark Prichard were honored as emeritus professors for exceptional service to the university and their profession.

Four faculty spent a year developing undergraduate research courses focused on collaboration and innovation, with themes such as Chinese professional etiquette and using 3D-mapping technology in studio art.

UAB Safe streamWhen working in high-rise buildings filled with electrical and combustible items and large equipment, fire preparedness can be key.

UAB Safe streamUnderstanding different types of bacteria, ways they’re transmitted and plans to keep your food safe is key to enjoying your tailgate and keeping guests healthy.

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