Haley Herfurth

Haley Herfurth

| haleyh1@uab.edu

UAB Safe streamFlu will take its toll on your health, but you can fight the virus by stopping the spread of germs. Use these tips to help protect you, your family and your colleagues.

retro art streamIn 1967, Santa Claus himself spread holiday cheer to UAB Hospital Staff during a busy workday. More than 50 years later, Blazers can still find the Christmas spirit on campus with various holiday activities.

Susanne Fogger, DNP, professor in the Department of Family, Community and Health Systems, was one of 12 faculty selected to receive the 2019 UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

As another class of UAB students graduates, UAB Transportation recommends traveling an alternate route to and from work during commencement activities Dec. 13 and 14. This map will help you plan.

INTO Giving will make three annual gifts of $25,000 to Room to Read programs in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Tanzania — changing the lives of more than 50,000 school-age girls.

The two-year Signature Core Faculty Fellows program provides professional development funding for teacher-development programs, teaching conferences, course observations and more in order to increase teaching effectiveness and student success.

The seven-module CAS Research Sources and Skills Toolkit focuses on efficient research strategies, evaluation of source material, appropriate techniques for documenting source material and more.

retro art streamIn 1992, UAB had recycling mascot Trash Gordon. Now, we have a Sustainability Strategic Plan that aims to reduce disposal of waste in local landfills and develop the university grounds for ecological stewardship. And you can help — by recycling correctly.

When the wrong items are discarded in recycling bins, the whole lot could get sent to the landfill. Let’s work together to make sure that doesn’t happen.

November 08, 2019

How green is your office?

The Green Office Program can help employees identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption and waste and be better stewards of fiscal and environmental resources on campus.

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