Displaying items by tag: campus

The latest green roof project is one of the first developments by UAB’s Sustainability Committee to come to fruition.

Published in Get Involved

Jerod Haase was named UAB's fifth head basketball coach March 27.

Published in Go Blazers!

Maureen Cox and Theresa Ramos are two of 53 students selected to attend the first Winter School on Advanced Immunology in Japan.

Published in Awards & Honors

UAB’s AMC21 plan includes investing in infrastructure and technology platforms to keep the education of UAB students on the cutting edge.

Published in Construction & Transit

UAB civil engineering students have constructed a solid concrete canoe that will do what seems to be impossible — float.

Published in Tools & Technology

UAB’s Campus Recreation Center is offering several new programs to faculty, staff and students.

Published in Be Healthy

The new UAB Honors College will unify the processes, structures and branding of the UAB honors programs, making it easier for students to access information.

Published in Learning & Development

Marvin K. Atmore has been named Deputy Chief.

Published in Staff Appointments

By January’s end, all employee training will be accessed through one web portal — the UAB Faculty and Staff Learning System.

Published in Learning & Development

Scale Back Alabama is a 10-week statewide weight loss contest and UAB is taking part.

Published in Get Involved

UAB takes wellness to a new level — to the employees, students.

Published in Be Healthy

UAB Hospital Maintenance is hosting its annual Christmas Toy Fund drive.

Published in Get Involved

The LGBT Alliance for Equality at UAB recently awarded a $1000 scholarship to junior Whitney Shea Julian.

Published in Awards & Honors

Kristi Lamont Ellis, director of Internal Communications and Relations at UAB, will serve as interim general manager of public radio station WBHM 90.3 beginning Oct. 1 following the retirement of longtime general manager Mike Morgan.

Published in Staff Appointments

A Blazer Enrollment Center has been established to assist students with questions; new website for current and prospective students is now online.

Published in Tools & Technology

Beginning July 15, some lanes along University Boulevard will be closed to accommodate construction for the UAB District Steam System project.

Published in Construction & Transit

Beginning July 15, some lanes along University Blvd. will be closed to accommodate construction for the UAB District Steam System project.

Published in Construction & Transit

UAB provides incentives for those who sign up to participate in the CommuteSmart ride share program.

Published in Construction & Transit

The Farm Stand will provide fresh fruits and vegetables for employees, students, patients and passers-by all summer long.

Published in Be Healthy

Linda Lucas, Ph.D., dean of UAB’s School of Engineering since 2000, has been named interim provost.

Published in Take Note

After two years of planning, construction will begin on the $69 million UAB District Steam System Project in the coming days.

Published in Construction & Transit
CORD's community outreach leads to record number of students involved in Central Alabama science fair.
Published in Outreach
UAB’s Campus Rec is offering faculty and staff non-members one free personal-training session to those who sign up for membership.
Published in Get Involved

UAB’s Disc Golf Team recently competed in the the 2011 National Collegiate Disc Golf Championship in Augusta, Ga.

Published in Go Blazers!
UAB’s 2011 Benevolent Fund campaign “Give Help, Give Hope” is under way, following two years of record-setting pledges.
Published in Get Involved
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