Displaying items by tag: office of the provost for student and faculty success

Frank Messina, DBA, professor of accounting and faculty athletics representative, exemplifies core values that propel institutional excellence.  

Published in Awards & Honors

Twelve faculty have been selected to receive the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, which honors those who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in teaching. The 2020 honorees represent each school, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Honors College and the Graduate School.

Published in Awards & Honors

UAB leaders discussed data behind the university’s comprehensive reopening plan and answered questions on move-in, class schedules, mask distribution and more.

Published in Take Note

Faculty submitted more than 100 questions during the virtual town hall Aug. 7; find answers to questions that couldn’t be answered live due to time constraints, including caregiving plans, classroom procedures, testing and more.

Published in Take Note

University staff and non-resident students can pick up their two UAB-branded cloth face masks during a mask distribution drive-thru 9 a.m.-noon Aug. 21-22 in Express Lot No. 4 at the corner of Fifth Avenue South and 10th Street.

Published in Campus News

UAB is one of 24 American colleges and universities selected to create, expand and diversify student mobility overseas in support of U.S. foreign policy goals. 

Published in UAB Global

UAB will provide technology and expertise to deliver instruction to enable researchers to pursue data-driven discovery during four online sessions in spring 2021.

Published in Lectures & Workshops

The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees awarded the Distinguished Professor rank to Nancy Borkowski, Louise Chow, George Howard and Virginia Howard and the University Professorship rank to Eta S. Berner.

Published in Awards & Honors

Caroline Harada, Burel Goodin, Tina Kempin Reuter and Allison Shorten demonstrated extraordinary commitment to engaging undergraduate students in service-learning, undergraduate research, education-abroad experiences and team-learning environments.

Published in Awards & Honors

David Chaplin, Harriett Amos Doss, Stuart Frank, William Grizzle, Wendy Gunther-Canada, Robert Kleinstein and Andrew Rucks have been designated emeritus professors for exceptional service to the university and their profession.

Published in Awards & Honors

Alicia Booker has been selected as the new university ombudsman in a newly expanded office that also will support university staff in conflict and dispute resolution.

Published in Staff Appointments

UAB BTS logo FINALGet a glimpse into how employees are continuing their unique and important work during UAB’s limited business operations.

Published in Behind the Scenes

Despite being thrown a coronavirus curveball, new Engineering Dean Jeffrey W. Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., who began his tenure at UAB July 1, says he is looking forward to what the future holds for the School of Engineering: opportunities for growing and diversifying its student population, defining and developing new research areas and constructing a new building, to name a few.

Published in Leadership

For almost all senior design teams, building a working prototype was impossible in these days of social distancing.

Published in Teaching & Learning

As it enters the second half of its first century, UAB prepares to introduce a Signature Core that reflects its unique culture and makes the city “your classroom, your laboratory, your gateway to the world.”

Published in Programs & Curricula

Julio Rivera, associate professor in the Collat School of Business, who strives to “make students think and apply the material they are covering,” is one of the 12 faculty selected to receive the 2019 President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Published in Awards & Honors

The educational and clinical challenges presented by COVID-19 also present an opportunity to develop new technical and patient-interaction skills for students — and health professionals — using telehealth technology. 

Published in Teaching & Learning

The physical locations are closed, yet UAB Libraries is busier than ever. It’s just all happening in a flurry of ones and zeroes: online requests for curbside pickup, chat with librarians, access custom remote instruction and soon — digitized print materials from the stacks.

Published in Tools & Technology

Vineeta Kumar, M.D., professor in the Division of Nephrology, is one of 12 faculty selected to receive the 2019 UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Published in Awards & Honors

When a pandemic and no-travel order shut down an international trip for marketing students, Michele Bunn taught her students a home-grown lesson in resilience.

Published in Teaching & Learning

With little more than a smartphone and his rock collection, Scott Brande, Ph.D., has captured the attention of geology educators worldwide. A new NSF grant is allowing him to expand — and explore what happens when hands-on instruction goes online.

Published in Teaching & Learning

Talking cutting-edge science and family questions with the first members of UAB's Undergraduate Immunology Program.

Published in Programs & Curricula

Many of UAB’s more than a thousand international students are facing complicated questions and challenges — but you can help.

Published in Get Involved

Take in original art — from a distance — during the Department of Art and Art History’s online thesis exhibit featuring works by graduating seniors.


Published in Arts & Recreation

Three award-winning UAB faculty share 7 ways to developing engaging online courses.

Published in Teaching & Learning
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