At its Feb. 7 meeting, the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees converted, renamed or established five endowed positions.
The Bee McWane Reid Endowed Professorship in Psychiatry was converted and renamed the Bee McWane Reid Endowed Chair in Psychiatry and Neurobiology in the UAB School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology. The chair will focus on mood disorders.
The board established the Dr. Robert B. Adams Endowed Professorship in Pathology in the UAB School of Medicine Department of Pathology. Adams earned his medical degree from the Medical College of Alabama, now the UAB School of Medicine, and was medical director of the blood bank and associate director of surgical pathology at UAB Hospital. The Adams Education Fund has provided grant support for UAB pathology residents since 2003.
The Eric W. Baum, M.D./Alabama Dermatology Society Endowed Support Fund was converted and renamed the Eric W. Baum, M.D., Endowed Professorship in Dermatology in the UAB School of Medicine Department of Dermatology. Baum completed his residency training at UAB and is a clinical assistant professor.
The Ophthalmology Residency Program Director Endowed Support Fund Quasi Endowment was converted and renamed the Max and Lorayne Cooper Endowed Professorship in Ophthalmology Residency Training in the UAB School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology. Max Cooper and his late wife have been generous supporters of UAB athletics, the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, WBHM and the Comprehensive Center for Healthy Aging.
The Howard H. Houser Endowed Support Fund was converted and renamed the Howard H. Houser Endowed Professorship in Health Administration in the UAB School of Health Professions. Houser joined the UAB faculty in 1965 and returned in 1970, serving as professor, director of the Master of Science in health administration program and associate dean for faculty and staff development. He was named professor emeritus in 2011.