Organization Conduct Records
So that members of the university community can make informed decisions about involvement opportunities, Community Standards & Student Accountability, in partnership with Student Involvement & Leadership, Student Media, and University Recreation, provides information regarding the conduct records of student organizations at the University. Please note this information does not include records that are no longer retained by the University. Additional information about the conduct procedures and organizational sanctions can be found in the Student Conduct Code.
The records below are those available from the 2018-2019 academic year until present. Additional records will be added as data is migrated.
Organization Status Effective Dates of Separation -
Organization Interim Action(s) Effective Date
Organizations with Conduct Records
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Gamma Delta
Date(s) of Incident: October 25, 2020
Date of Resolution: December 1, 2020Finding(s) of Responsibility
- U. Violation of University Policies, Rules, Regulations, Directives, or Guidelines
- H.1. Failure to Comply: Reasonable Directions
- Registration Probation – December 1, 2020-December 31, 2021
- Loss of Social Event Privileges – December 1, 2020-May 1, 2021 (Completed)
- Deferred Loss of Social Event Privileges – May 2, 2021-December 31, 2021
- Program on Individual COVID-19 Guidelines and Ramifications for Failing to Comply (Completed)
Date(s) of Incident: September 9, 2020
Date of Resolution: September 24, 2020Finding(s) of Responsibility:
- U. Violation of University Policies, Rules, Regulations, Directives, or Guidelines
- Registration Probation – September 24, 2020-December 31, 2020 (Completed)
- Deferred Loss of Social Event Privileges – September 24, 2020-December 31, 2020 (Completed)
- Program on Social Event Guidelines for Student Events and Individual COVID-19 Guidelines (Completed)
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi
Date(s) of Incident: March 11, 2021
Date of Resolution: April 8, 2021Finding(s) of Responsibility
- Organizational Conduct Warning (Completed)
- Deferred Loss of Social Event Privileges – April 8, 2021-July 31, 2021
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta
Date(s) of Incident: April 20, 2021
Date of Resolution: May 24, 2021Finding(s) of Responsibility
- U. Violation of University Policies, Rules, Regulations, Directives, or Guidelines
- Organizational Conduct Warning (Completed)
Delta Phi Omega
Delta Phi Omega
Date(s) of Incident: Fall 2019
Date of Resolution: November 7, 2019Finding(s) of Responsibility
- Person - Hazing
- Delta Phi Omega has been placed on university conduct probation through December 11, 2021. The chapter may continue operating at the University, but will be subject to restrictions and/or conditions imposed by the University for the specified period of time. Further violation of the Code while under conduct probation will result in more severe sanctions including the possibility of expulsion.
- For two calendar years, chapter leadership must, in collaboration with the Fraternity and Sorority Life, plan and conduct trainings for every new member class regarding hazing awareness and prevention. These programs may include national/regional speakers, members of the organization’s national/regional leadership team, and/or UAB staff. There must also be sessions for the active members preceding any recruitment and new member process.
- For one calendar year, chapter leadership must meet with Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life staff at least once a month to discuss current trends and issues within the chapter and resources available on campus. (Completed)
- In addition, the chapter must develop a new member program that is approved by the Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Programs as well as Delta Phi Omega’s national leadership. (Completed)
- The chapter must develop and implement a new member education program that is reviewed and approved by the Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life as well as the national organization. All conditions must be met before the term of probation is complete. (Completed)
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Sigma Phi
Date(s) of Incident: Fall 2019
Date of Resolution: November 14, 2019Finding(s) of Responsibility
- Person - Hazing
- Delta Sigma Phi has been placed on Suspension effective October 30, 2019, through December 31, 2019. (Completed)
- Delta Sigma Phi has been placed on University Conduct Probation effective January 1, 2020, through April 30, 2021. The chapter may continue operating at the University during this time, but may be subject to restrictions and/or conditions imposed by the University. Further violation of the Code while under conduct probation will result in more severe sanctions including the possibility of expulsion. (Completed)
- Delta Sigma Phi has been placed on a period of suspension of all recruiting and intake processes effective October 30, 2019, through April 30, 2020. During this period, the organization may not seek or add new members, including, but not limited to, conducting new member or initiation activities. (Completed)
- Prior to any recruiting and intake processes, the chapter must develop and implement a new member education program that is reviewed and approved by the Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life as well as the national organization. (Completed)
- During Spring 2020, the chapter must complete a chapter advancement plan developed by the Delta Sigma Phi National Fraternity staff, alumni volunteer board, and chapter leadership, and approved by UAB's Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Programs and UAB's Director of Community Standards & Student Accountability. The plan must align with those sanctions assigned as part of the conduct process and address areas of immediate action, education and programming, and long term commitment to organization and UAB values. The national organization must submit a letter to the Director of Community Standards & Student Accountability confirming completion. (Completed)
- Effective January 2020 to April 2020, chapter leadership must meet with Fraternity and Sorority Life staff at least once a month to discuss current trends and issues within the chapter and resources available on campus. After the end of the time period, Fraternity and Sorority Life will make a determination if the monthly meetings will continue and for what time period. (Completed)
- Effective August 2020 until April 2022, chapter leadership must, in collaboration with the Fraternity and Sorority Life, plan and conduct trainings for every new member class regarding hazing awareness and prevention. These programs may include national/regional speakers, members of the organization's national/regional leadership team, and/or UAB staff. There must also be sessions for the active members preceding any recruitment and new member process.
Sigma Chi
Sigma Chi
Date(s) of Incident:November 8, 2020
Date of Resolution: January 19, 2021Finding(s) of Responsibility
- M. Hazing
- U. Violation of University Policies, Rules, Regulations, Directives, or Guidelines
- H.1. Failure to Comply: Reasonable Directions
- Registration Probation – January 19, 2021-December 10, 2021
- Loss of Social Event Privileges – January 19, 2021-December 10, 2021
- Suspension of Organizational Recruiting or Intake Processes – January 18, 2021-April 30, 2021 (Completed)
- The organization must complete an action plan developed by the Sigma Chi General Fraternity staff and approved by UAB's Director of Student Involvement & Leadership and UAB's Director of Community Standards & Student Accountability. The plan must align with those sanctions assigned as part of the conduct process and address areas of organizational culture, accountability and values-based decision making, and hazing. The General Fraternity must submit a letter to the Director of Community Standards & Student Accountability confirming completion by April 30, 2021, unless the General Fraternity and the Director of Community Standards & Student Accountability agree to an altered plan.
- Effective January 2021 to December 2021, the colony president must meet with Fraternity and Sorority Life staff at least once a month to check-in and discuss current trends and issues within the organization and resources available on campus. After the end of the time period, Fraternity and Sorority Life will make a determination if the monthly meetings will continue and for what time period.
- Effective January 2021 to December 2021, the colony’s executive council must meet with the UAB's Director of Student Involvement & Leadership and UAB's Director of Community Standards & Student Accountability once per semester to discuss organization health, successes and opportunities for improvement within the organization, and resources available on campus. After the end of the time period, the Directors will make a determination if the meetings will continue and for what time period.
Sigma Sigma Rho
Sigma Sigma Rho
Date(s) of Incident: Spring 2019
Date of Resolution: September 17, 2019Finding(s) of Responsibility
- Person - Hazing
- Sigma Sigma Rho-Kappa Chapter has been placed on university conduct probation through September 30, 2021. The chapter may continue operating at the University, but will be subject to restrictions and/or conditions imposed by the University for the specified period of time. Further violation of the Code while under conduct probation will result in more severe sanctions including the possibility of expulsion.
- For two calendar years, chapter leadership must, in collaboration with the Fraternity and Sorority Programs, plan and conduct trainings each semester for active members regarding hazing. These programs may include speakers that are from the organization’s national/regional leadership team or staff members of UAB. There must also be sessions with each new member class.
- For one calendar year, chapter leadership must meet with Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life staff at least once a month to discuss current trends and issues within the chapter and resources available on campus. In addition, the chapter must develop a new member program that is approved by the Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Programs as well as Sigma Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc. (Completed)
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Records Currently Being Migrated
Theta Chi
Records Currently Being Migrated